Yeah, still alive.
1. Work/Programming
Work is doing that end-of-year winding down. In fact I am on vacation from this coming Thursday until next year. So there’s really not much going on. I have one project on my list.. but that won’t really get going until next year. In the meantime I’m a documentation demon. Nothing fills time so fully as trying to describe how to fix something where the answer is usually “Call Monica and have her fix it”
2. Home/Erik
Erik is now a little over a year old. Just after his first birthday he started walking. Lately he’s started responding to commands “Bring me your shoes”, “Go get daddy”, “Get the kitty”. It’s absolutely amazing.
At night he’s still sleeping in his crib in our room. We had planned to move him out to his own room but it looks like we’re going to be moving in mid-February so we decided to use the “spare” room to store boxes of stuff for the move and to move him out to his own room in the new house.
The house we’re moving to is directly across the street from the house we’re currently in. It has one more bedroom, a formal dining room, livingroom as well as family room and the kitchen is just about twice the size of our current kitchen. The owners are asking for $200 more per month than we’re currently paying. It has more space than our current place and we decided to go for it.
Since the move is only across the street the temptation is to say it will be an easy move, but I think it will only be an easy move if we do all our prep work way in advance. So as soon as we get back from Christmas we’re going to start packing things away.
3. Health
Lately I’ve been flirting with 285 lbs. In fact I’ve hit and passed it a few times but then something (banana bread, dinner out, dessert, etc) makes me bounce back up. Regardless that puts me at about 25 lbs lost this year. Any amount lost per year is better than gained year-over-year. This puts me back in the range of weight I was in in mid-2012 after my bout with the CrazyStupidDiet. I’ll see what I can do to push this back to 2011 ranges next year.
All of my German dresses are too big. The green and yellow one is annoyingly sloppy to wear. The Blue one is okay but I need to wear a bra under it.. and that just annoys me. My cotehardies are still supportive.. but I have a feeling I need to pattern myself for a new bodice in the not-too-distant future. I suppose it’s a rough problem to have.
In my experience everytime I pattern myself for a new bodice and sew a new dress I lose 20-30 lbs. Maybe I need to make new clothes.. just to spur on the weight loss.
4. SCA/Projects
I finished
Katla’s Ärmelrock (sleeved dress),
Kolskegg’s Outfit and Bob’s Waffe for Mists Fall Investiture (11/22/2014) Unfortunately I completely neglected to get pictures of Bob’s Waffe so I haven’t yet published the article about it. I hope to get pictures of him at 12th Night.
I think I have a little bit of sewing burn out. After I finally finished all three outfits I took about two weeks off when I didn’t sew anything. I’ve also found the progress on a sewing project is much much slower with Erik around. I just don’t have 5 hour blocks when I can concentrate on nothing but sewing. That said, I still have a project list.
I’m now working on a Waffenrock for Erik for 12th night (OMG BABY GARB IS TO DIE FOR).
Project list:
1. Erik’s Waffenrock. Need to attach the sleeves and skirt.
2. Fix cuffs on Fearghus’ German shirt.
3. Fix collar on my German shirt.
Despite wanting to “bake all the things” and express my Christmas Spirit. I have actually baked nearly nothing this year. Baking all the things leads to eating all the things. Eating all the things leads to gaining all the weight back. Meh.
We’re kind of at the lull. This is the last year we can “meh” our way through the holidays. Next year.. and every year after that we will be responsible for growing the happy glow of the Holidays in Erik. This year everything (regardless of how mundane) makes his eyes glint with wonder.
Dec 18-Dec 31: In Montana visiting family
Jan 2-3: 12th Night, Sacramento CA
Jan 24: Cynaguan Investiture, Woodland CA
Feb 8: Tentative move date.
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