1. Work/Programming
BART strike this week. It only kind of impacts my commute.. kind of meaning there’s a chance traffic from my direction will get bleed over traffic from the East Bay and be “terribly bad..” It’s enough of a chance that if I don’t have meetings that require my physical presence I’ll happily work at home.
I finished the company-provided APEX training. By no stretch of the imagination would I call myself an expert.. but I am now slightly familiar with a lot of the different pieces/parts available from SalesForce. I’ve confirmed my plan to do the Force.com workbook. It seems like it will give me a better foothold on the system and maybe help me to retain more of the information. I told my previous boss (who had setup the training class) that the class was good for an overview.. but I wouldn’t recommend it to future students.
2. Home
I was finally able to sort through all of the stashes of stuff in our bedroom and I got all of that put away/thrown away. For just about one whole minute I’d call my bedroom clean. Almost immediately I started shifting stacks of “baby stuff” out of the sewing room and into our master bedroom. Ah well.
My plan for this last Saturday was to sort through the “sewing room” and fully turn it into a “guest room/baby room”. My plans got sidelined and instead we spent the day organizing the garage. Which honestly is a good thing. We finally fixed the shelving up on the walls and got the stacks of stuff up off the floor. At this point we have selves on the walls and a few very heavy things stacked on the floor under the shelves.. but the rest of the garage is now Fearghus’ workshop. Fearghus is thrilled that his shop is now about 3-5 feet wider than it was. In sorting through the stuff in the garage we also flagged things that needed to go into the house. All that stuff is now stacked on the kitchen table. A lot of it will get put away once I finish messing with the guest/baby room.
Sunday, after fighter practice, I finally got a chance to start working on the guest/baby room. We emptied the book shelf in the sewing room and relocated it to our master bedroom and I put all of that sewing paraphernalia back on the shelves. I have only a few more things to clear off the sewing table and then we can break that down, vacuum the room and then finally setup our camping bed in there as a guest bed. Long term that room will also house all of the baby stuff.. but for now I think most of the stuff (ie, the 6 month sized plus stuff) can be stored under the bed.
This morning I kicked off our diaper service. Their initial delivery is set for 11/6. After that it’s ~$22/week. They give us an initial stash of cloth diapers and then once the baby is born we put out a bag full of dirty diapers and they drop off a bag full of clean diapers. Cost-wise it looks comparable with disposables (Disposables are $35/80 and the service is $22/80).
Since folks have asked,
- We are registered at Toys R US/Babys R Us (
http://www.toysrus.com/registry/index.jsp Search for Marc and Monica Stroud Registry# 51343431)
- We are also registered for the Tidee Didee Diaper Service Gift Registry (
Exciting times.
3. Health
Weight continues to decrease. Down another 1.1 pounds this week to 336.9 this morning.
Baby emails say the baby is now gaining about an ounce a day. Despite this *my* weight is staying pretty steady.
Blood sugars are staying mostly in check. If I go out to eat and don’t monitor it very carefully (ie, mindlessly having chips when we go out for Mexican or eating pizza when I know better) I’m seeing “spikes” 1 hour after eating at 144-150 (the “good range” is below 135) but normally my 1hr after number is in the 115 to 121 range.
This week, on Friday we have the next “big ultrasound”. This is finally the one where the measure the baby and we find out how we’re doing as far as having a baby small enough for vaginal birth. Whoops, strike that. The big ultrasound is next week. This week we have another Non-Stress Test and another meeting with our Doctor.
It’s funny to be nervous for a test that I can’t study for.
4. SCA/Projects
Two of the four gals who started out working on the cotehardie workshop now have bodice cut out and at least initially sewn together. One of those two is still futzing with her fitting, but I think is making good progress. The other is about halfway done hand-sewing the neckline and is going to be ready to fit sleeves very soon. The other two gals are still waiting until they have funds to buy the fabric. I feel all mama duck about this.
I finished the chevron trim and I’m about to start work on a tunic and pair of Rus pants for Miach. I hope to finish both of those by this Friday. As long as I get to work on them today I should be golden. The trim, tunic and pants will get handed over at Coronet. I will also be handing off a first draft of a pattern for a coat for Miach. It’s terribly hard to try and fit someone for a pattern when they’re not local to you. Do. NOT. LIKE.
After Coronet my top sewing priority is Bob’s Waffenrock.
I reminded myself this morning that I haven’t yet sent out “Thank You” cards from the wedding. We’ve received the cards (they’re sitting on the kitchen table with all the addresses) but they’re not sent yet. F and I have discussed it and we’re going to wait to send the cards until after we have the birth announcements. Two birds, one stamp and all. Seems like a good plan.
It doesn’t matter how unprepared I feel (OMG we didn’t buy {1,001 esoteric baby things I wasn’t aware we needed}) the baby is coming.. and he’s on his own schedule. I just need to get more zen about it. The baby will not suffer because I forgot {esoteric non-obvious baby thing that’s really a “nice-to-have”, not a “must-have”} and have to buy it AFTER his birth instead of before. That’s me. All Zen.
October 25: Alton Brown Tickets/Cynaguan Fall Coronet (daytrip)
November 2: FREE WEEKEND!!!
November 9: Collegium Occidentalis (maybe not)
November 12: Induced labor?
November 16: TBD
November 18: Baby’s Official Due Date
November 23: TBD
November 28: Thanksgiving Weekend
December 7: Boar Hunt (maybe)
January 3-5: 12th Night, Concord CA? (maybe)
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