Does this look like late morning to you

Jun 05, 2012 11:52

For fucks sake. I would be ranting about this on Twitter, but my dad follows me on there now, and I don't want this to ruin my day.

Dad and everyone are coming to visit me today. Originally, their text said they would come "late morning". So, having spent all day yesterday cleaning (not that I mind that too much, as my flat really did need a proper clean) I get up this morning, tidy up a few last bits, and settle down to wait. Then, not five minutes ago (about 20 to 12), I get a phone call telling me they haven't left yet, but they'll let me know when they do.

It's a 2 hour drive if you don't hit traffic. So, late morning has turned into mid afternoon, and instead of the day I was looking forward to spending with my family, I get a handful of hours. The half formed plans I had of what we could do kind of go out of the window, and I've been waiting for the last two hours for nothing.

I wouldn't mind, but if they'd just *told* me earlier, then I could have adjusted my plans. I could have planned to do something this morning. Ok, I probably wouldn't have done, but it would have been nice to *know*.

Oh, and they want to go for lunch when they get here. So I can't eat for a couple of hours.

*sigh* As I said, I want to enjoy this time with my family, so I'm gonna try and shake this pissed off before they get here. I'll go for a run in a bit, and maybe make some biscuits after that. I'll see how I feel.

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

fail!!, today is so fired, ranty ranty rant rant, my family - welcome to the insane asylum, fml

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