My Daddy (technically my whole other family) is getting a kitteh! There is even the possibility that we might get two.
We already have two, hmmm, they must be about 6 or 7 year old cats that we've had for about 4 or 5 years. Which is mad that we've had them that long but still
This is Ruby, who somehow I always regard as *my* cat, with Sapphire being my brother's. Not sure why.
And this is Sapphire.
Parentals now having more time to look after tiny cats means we went to look at kittens yesterday. There was a litter of 6 from the cat rescue lady we got Ruby and Sapphire from and they are adorable. White and ginger tabbies, 17 weeks old. They were discovered under someone's BBQ, and the mother had all burnt paws, one assumes from trying to get food. The lady who found them (I think|) was going to keep them all, but her dogs didn't like the kittens, so to the shelter they went . As happened before we were only going to get one, but they were so cute we couldn't split them up. There are 3 boys - Rupert, Barnaby and Dino and 3 girls - Athena, Topaz and Demi. Rupert, funnily enough, looks lie a cat called Rupert that my step-dad had as a boy. I never knew Rupert, but I knew his brother Sydney in the last few years of his life.
This is Dino, coming to investigate my phone as I tried to take a picture.
Demi is the one with her head hanging over the side of the basket, and the other is Athena.
Barnaby is the one giving me evils and Rupert is the all-ginger one (though apparently he has a splash of white on his chest) with his back to me
And this isTopas, who has gorgeous white tips on her ears.
We are definiitely getting Dino, a cheeky little monkey of a kitten who has rather a thing for feet and kept playing with toes and shoelaces. He also was climbing the side of the cage and generally being a little character. We was also hand-reared slightly for a few days as he didn't like being weaned, and consequently adores being picked up and held, useful when sharing a house with a cat loving small boy. Young Dino was apparently called Dotty before they found out that he was a boy, and it has to be said the name suits him.
The other cat is more of a bone of contention, as my brother really likes Topaz, and my step-mum likes Arhena. Neither me nor my father really formed an opinion either way, except to note that Topaz seemed kinda scared and skittish, whereas Athena seemed more relaxed. So Nicki and Mattie are returning to the cat lady today to see if they can come to a decision.
Rupert and Barnaby didn't move from their fluffy perch the entire time we were there, although apparently normally they were more playful. Demi was a little more active, but content to stay out of the lime light
ETA: Breaking News: Just got off the phone from my father, and we have kittehs! They did indeed go back today to decide on the second cat, and as the cat lady had conducted the home check for Ruby and Sapphire, she didn't need to do a second (altohugh she will have to come and do a check up once they've been neutered) and said they could take the kittens tonight. Dino, was indeed, a given, but in a surprise upset Rupert is the second. I can't wait to go and see them tomorrow, and make friends and find out how this came to be. As far as I know the names are staying, Dino for sure, its a good cat name, and personally I'd like Rupert to stay, because of the connection. Will be taking my camera to try for awesome shots. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Kittehs!
In other news, I am currently using my brand new TV that arrived this morning as a computer monitor. Umm... talk about geek!gasm this morning setting it up :) It was bought by my parents partly as a congratulations you survived second year present and I think partly to cheer me up because of the stupid job of fail. And partly because it was on offer and cheap. It is a 22" HD ready beauty with built in freeview and DVD player and I think is possibly the shiny-newest piece of tech I've ever had. Well after my laptop. There is something quite wonderful about typing an El Jay (and really that's just to make Lauren do the funny voice) post on my TV.
My shiny new TV!!!
And proof that I am actually using it for my computer.
And Teaboy? We're *so* using it for Ashes to Ashes marathon!
And finally... I get the feeling I might end up committing La Cage Fic again... Albin is steadily becoming more insistent