Title: Don’t I Get A Dream For Myself [Chapter Nine]
Author: niblettk
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel, Noah Puckerman, Burt Hummel, Finn Hudson, ensemble / Puckurt, other couples are mostly canon (Finchel, Brittana, Wemma, Tartie, and Burt/Carole-whatever we’re calling that one)
Warning: This story does include medical
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Comments 12
I need to see if he ends up being okay
I'm so happy you liked this chapter, considering I hate it so much.
I requested a beta/talk-to-me-about-religion person over at the puckurt beta request board, but nobody responded. So the discussion about religion between Quinn and Kurt was supposed to be a little longer, but as an atheist with not many religious friends, I was lost.
Anyways, I'm so proud of chapter ten and I hope you're going to, shall we say, lose your shit.
We're both talking about Chapter 9, right? The chapter that has a gorgeous Carole/Kurt scene, the chapter that returns to the Quinn-caring-for-Kurt issue, the chapter that does some a stellar job of depicting some of those daily issues that would come up in this type of situation? THAT chapter?
Well, I guess we're free to have different opinions even though mine is SO clearly the right one in this instance. :)
I was already looking forward to the next chapter. Having seen that YOU are proud of this chapter, and your final sentence here? I may die of crazy anticipation before Thursday gets here! I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas....
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