Mar 02, 2011 23:50
Character Name: Karin Koenig (Karin "Temple")
Character Series: Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Character Age: 24
Address: 2236 Stevens Road
Background: Born and raised in Munich, Karin’s family is considered fallen nobility, and for a long time, she felt that it was up to her to make something of herself and bring some kind of glory back to her family name. This was the reason she went into the military, more than a wish to serve her country. She did well there for several years, having joined young, and was prepared to continue rising through the ranks when her commanding officer sent her to Domremy.
Nothing there went as planned. A number of the men that had accompanied her died at the hand of a demon that had appeared to defend the town - who then proceeded to save her from the blast of one of her own troop’s grenades. Shocked, Karin saw the demon revert to human form as he left the church the one-sided fight had taken place in, leaving her more confused than anything else. She reported to her higher-ups and was, frankly, surprised when they said they believed her about the appearance of the demon. She was told she would return to Domremy as a guide to an exorcist from the Vatican. She met Cardinal Nicolai Conrad immediately after receiving this information, and a week later she accompanied him to the Vatican and Apoina Tower, where he retrieved the Holy Mistletoe - an artifact essential for exorcisms like the one he was about to perform, he insisted.
A few short weeks later and they were prepared to go back to Domremy, though things took a turn for the worse once they reached the church and the demon Amon appeared again. Nicolai revealed himself to be a member of a secret society called Sapientes Gladio, and informed the demon (or rather, the man that stood in its place) that he had been his prey for quite some time. When Karin questioned the situation, Nicolai “regrettably” informed her that it was too bad she would have to die there with the rest of the witnesses. Angered and feeling more than a little betrayed by someone she thought might become a friend, Karin was forced to watch the murder of a young girl Nicolai was holding hostage, as well as the death of countless villagers. Yuri, Nicolai's quarry who had been struck by the Holy Mistletoe, had gone unconscious, but the both of them escaped with the help of a man named Gepetto, and took refuge in the Ardennes Forest.
She stayed with Yuri from then on, developing a strong friendship (followed by stronger feelings) with him, traveling the world and ultimately searching for a cure for the Mistletoe’s Curse. When they reached the end of their path, there was still no cure to be found, but a greater threat to put a stop to. In the end, the group she and Yuri had been traveling with was scattered to what seemed like the ends of the earth, and Karin found herself alone, with no home to go back to.
Personality: Though she has long been considered strong and independent by those around her, Karin has only recently begun to feel so. In the past, she was something of a follower, dedicating her short adult life to serving in the German military. Determined to bring glory back to the family name, she kept her head down, trained hard, and took orders without complaint for years, always doing as she was told and being sure to live up to whatever expectations had been set for her. She took most everyone and everything at face value, certain that the world was exactly as it seemed to be, with all potential problems both tangible and manageable. Looking back, she supposes she can understand why her superiors often cited her as strong, mostly owing to the fact that she was one of very few women serving as an officer in the military, progressing on her own with no outside aid, but she has no interest in going back to her formerly sheltered, closed-minded ways.
Previously, she had accepted whatever beliefs and philosophies were presented to her by family and authority figures as her own and held fast to them, but that blind peace was disrupted when she saw the demon Amon in Domremy. She began to questions things, and as meeting Yuri lead her out of military service, she has seen many things that contradict what she was taught growing up. Though confused, she is starting to sort things out for herself and has adopted an inquisitive nature, now knowing that there is often more to any given thing than it first seems. The world as she knew it did not exist; her friendship with Yuri introduced her to the existence of demons, the use and history of magic, and a number of other things she would have once insisted belonged only in fairy tales.
Karin has a strong sense of duty and loyalty, whether it be to friends, family, or purpose. This ties into her being incredibly stubborn at times, willing to stand her ground as long as she has to in order to do what she feels she must. Her friends mean more to her than much else at the moment; they were the ones who helped her through the great upset in her life caused by crossing paths with Amon and Sapientes Gladio, though she doesn’t regret the change for a minute. She may have been a little cold to start with, but that was merely a side effect of having a military background, not truly a part of her nature. She quickly proved herself to be warm and compassionate, good-natured and was fast to form strong ties with the people surrounding her once she was no longer confined to the social etiquette that came with her rank as Lieutenant.
Karin is also respectful and well-mannered, qualities that were present long before such behavior was expected of her in the military. She tries to be extremely cautious of the feelings of those around her, taking care not to overstep her bounds or be too intrusive. She has occasionally broken her own rules concerning personal space when it comes to Yuri, pressing him for information about his former love interest, but has always regretted it, apologizing profusely for prying and quickly shying away from the topic. Her own interest in him has made it difficult for her not to be curious about his previous relationship, but her respect for his feelings for Alice is enough to keep her from asking him if he might return her affections. Though her feelings for him have become obvious, she makes a great effort not to let them negatively effect their friendship, having long since accepted that Yuri will never openly admit feelings for her, if he has them at all. Still, having lost her family years ago and having spent so much time alone, she craves something deeper than friendship to ward off her loneliness, a weakness that was preyed upon by Cardinal Nicolai Conrad when he tried to lure her to his side of the conflict that grew after he attacked Yuri with the Holy Mistletoe.
Abilities: N/A
ooc: profile