Apr 05, 2012 12:10
Wow. It's been seven years since I posted to this thing. I wonder if the 18 year old Ivy had any idea of what was in store for her? Shit. If I had phrophasied this I would have ran hurling myself back into the primordial ooze of my mothers womb. fuck. it has been a ride. I never thought I would end up in cambodia......living on a khmer military base....it just happened. I have no idea what to do with myself now. It's a blessing that I'm "sober"....again.....how many chips of different denominations do I have now? Enough to get fucked up in california (a.a. coins can be redeemed for free alcoholic bevarages at bars..... brilliant marketing strategy...slightly evil..yes...but brilliant. like selling cake outside a fat camp)anywhoos....now i'm stranded in the states after being abroad for the past couple of years and i want out. Scotland anyone?????