Title: Miracle For Us Chapter 6 Characters: Yesung, Siwon, Zhoumi, Jaejoong, etc Pairing: YeWon Genre: Mpreg!AU, Fluff Rating: NC-17 Warning: Heavy Mpreg. Light smut in this chapter. Disclaimer: Fiction. I only own the plot and the story.
Eummm.. how do i put it... eumm.. imagining yesung whining, nagging, smiling... hummm... i guess the word 'cute' is even not enough to describe pregnant yesung... Hahaha Ouch.. that teasing thingy in the spring.. that was so damn sexy.. kekeke
But the last part was so surprising... what's going on with yesung?
my heart feel so warm reading this fic <3 hows yewon take care each other, their love just too... ugh i can't describe it with words, i really love it ;;;;;
Take you so long time to update this story. But I'm still glad that you still continued and go on. Keep fighting <33 Since pregnant yesungie is too cute to resist, but why he always change his mood just so sudden anyway he over load of cute so i'm forgive him keke.
Hot spring scene is really something that I'm expecting more and more.
Comments 6
Ouch.. that teasing thingy in the spring.. that was so damn sexy.. kekeke
But the last part was so surprising... what's going on with yesung?
what happen to yesung????
hows yewon take care each other, their love just too... ugh i can't describe it with words, i really love it ;;;;;
But I'm still glad that you still continued and go on. Keep fighting <33
Since pregnant yesungie is too cute to resist, but why he always change his mood just so sudden anyway he over load of cute so i'm forgive him keke.
Hot spring scene is really something that I'm expecting more and more.
I missed this story, it's nice to read another chapter !
Poor Yesung ! What happened to him ????
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