Title: Jackie Hyung Characters: Yesung, Siwon Pairing: YeWon Genre: PWP, Smut, Romance Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Work of fiction ONLY. Don’t know if YeWon really fuck in real life.
omg eonnie i wonder how you find this fic since i didn't post this anywhere... you are pervert just like me -__-" really eon your comment alwaya make me have this want to continue writing my dirty Yewon imagination! let's see, have you seen yesung's sleeping pic in aloha??? yeah that pic is screaming smut so wish me luck to write one, ne ^^
LOL-ing when you whisper :^D actually yesung's expression in that pic is too dirty... and the postcard one, that is the dirtiest postcard ever! can you imagine posting that postcard and the post office workers are eyeing you like you're some kind of sick pervert hahaha. yesung should've remember he has young and innocence fans like us!!
i see you're posting using your google account, why don't you make an LJ acc eon? hehe just curious ^^v
mianhae this is short bb, i stucked with no inspiration in continuing this. so i think ending it this way is just better than a crappy smut writing :")
Comments 15
this one is too short.. need more....
my god, dear, you and smut are such a great combination... huahahahahaha
thank you for commenting <3
yes.. yes.. just make another smut ... *whisper* soon please
whoops hahahahaha
good luck dear!!!
I'm checking your journal almost everyday... hahahahaha.... yes, I love you *and your smut* that much...
i see you're posting using your google account, why don't you make an LJ acc eon? hehe just curious ^^v
I love it when yesung seduced siwon!!!!!!!!
thank you for commenting, btw i haven't seen you like a long time dear?
iya nih sibuk berjelajah di AFF skrg...
thank you for commenting ^^
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