You guys, my jrocker is the
cutest thing and I need to stop referring to him as "mine" because it's kind of amazingly creepy. :D: I JUST. I don't want people to think I just flit from jrocker to jrocker! THERE IS JUST THE ONE. So I try to clarify it by calling him "mine" and just end up sounding like a psychopath. :(
kiva - king of hell castle
You know, for someone so effeminate Seto makes a godawful woman. D: He has that "I MUST WALK WITH MY LEGS WIDE APART SO MY GIGANTIC PENIS DOES NOT GET SQUISHED" walk so many men have.
Anyway, I thought this movie was a fine piece of modernist storytelling, and by that I mean I didn't understand it. It was like a string of non-sequitur scenes just glued together. Have you ever seen that episode of Red Dwarf (I'm fairly certain it's Stasis Leak) where the crew all meet alternate versions of themselves and at the end Rimmer's confronted by a half invisible version of himself and a version of himself in a dapper jacket with a moustache and alternate Lister walks in with his wife and Rimmer's just so utterly weirded out that all he can do is start screaming at them? That's how I felt watching this movie. I gave up trying to understand around the point where Wataru turned into Flight Form for absolutely no reason and went evil and then Nago ran in from nowhere and got the shit kicked out of him by a mummy while Otoya pleaded with an escaped convict on a throne for Wataru's soul. I also enjoyed the part where an astral projection of Wataru and Otoya were put in prison and then Wataru went back to his own time to discover that Kengo was a zombie.
Not to mention all the incest that was in this movie. I saw a 70s porno about incest once and it was less incestuous than this movie.
YOU GUYS MY OTP IS THE CUTESTTTTTTTTTTT. So much ~evidence~ in episode 29. *___* Seven teases Keita about his porn! Until Keita's red in the face and panting! ♥ And then Goinkyo tells them they are his image of the perfect couple. *__* Seriously this entire episode was just all about their TRUE LOVE for each other. There was even a part where someone was worried that they "cared too much" for each other wqjdw9d9wer9weyhrfwe.
*___________* MORGANA IS SO AWESOME YOU GUYS. I love how strongly she feels for Gwen - I really think they have a stronger, more genuine friendship than Arthur and Merlin. You'd never see Morgana tell Gwen to shut up. And I love how Morgana goes out of her way to protect Gwen and Gwen's feelings. ♥ Even to the point of murder. Oh god, there isn't any Gwen/Morgana fic, is there? THERE NEEDS TO BE.
And that although she's stubborn, she does change her mind if she thinks the situation warrants it. ♥ And and those little moments when Arthur sticks up for her like an older brother making sure his reckless little sister doesn't get hurt. *___*
Next week is the last episode, right? D:
lololol I love when faced with potentially deadly liquid Renn jumps out of the way and Hant just stands there flailing and screaming. It's so him. ♥ And him yawning at the Wings's explanation of Kegaleshia going undercover and Saki slapping him. And Miu being so excited to go undercover! MY INEXPLICABLE LIKING FOR MIU/KEGALESHIA GROWS LEGS.
yes anyway Miu is awesome. ♥ This is the first solo centric episode she's had, isn't it? All of her other episodes have either been with Saki or Hiroto.
Hey, Kishamoth's theme! *___* I like that little bit at the end.
Next week: Sosuke's weird thing for old men continues with Santa Claus.
Yuri and Maya kicking ass and taking names together is A++++. Really they should ditch Otoya and just get together with each other. *___* I love how awkward Yuri feels about thanking Maya after Maya saves her.
Poor Shima. :(( I'm reminded of Tsurugi from Kabuto and how his own identity was at odds. Taiga is really one sick fuck. ♥ I lol'd pretty hard when Wataru's reaction to what Taiga had done was like "that's kind of mean D:" and Taiga was all "FUCK OFF WATARU, IT'S GENIUS!!!!" and then he went and married Wataru's girlfriend in a weird S&M ceremony just as an extra "fuck off, Wataru". I love that he bleeds blue blood. Do all Fangire do that or just the royal ones? And then he still adores Mio even after she just got her claws all up in his guts. ♥ SO WEIRDLY CUTE.
And with that, the casualties are starting. D: I think the writers were like "oh shit we've only got a few episodes left KILL EVERYONE KILL THEM ALL". WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE MIO. I LIKED MIO. I really didn't think they'd kill her. I thought she and Wataru would live happily ever after or something. DDDD: And her little surge of affection for Taiga at the end there, oh god, and the contrast with that horrible dark wedding she had and the conventional white wedding she wanted and Mioooo. ;_;