YAY MORGANA. I worked out about halfway through that the kid had to be Mordred, from all the "HE WILL DOOM ARTHUR HOSHIT" and Morgana being so protective of him stuff but it was still fun to see Morgana being so risky with her own safety and so conspiratory and defiant. And I love that Gwen knows Morgana well enough to be the only one who recognises when something's up and Morgana's acting weird. ♥ I want more Gwen/Morgana interaction.
Damn, that kid was creepy though. D: Especially his scary mental voice.
First of all, Sosuke is an obnoxious bastard. ♥ lol at him just screwing the jar's lid back on extra tight at the beginning when Saki got mad at him opening it for her. ♥ ♥
I really really love Saki/Miu episodes. I love their love affair friendship and I love Saki when she's fangirling Miu and I just love Miu in general and my god, even the fight scene was gay. Twirling each other around? Just get married already, girls. And clasping each other's hands for the majority of the episode! They are the cutest. *____*
The Ginjiro's camouflage was hilariously stupid, and it was so obvious that some of the guys (Usui and Kataoka mainly) were having trouble staying completely still. ♥ And they are all terrible at looking like women. D: Though um, Saki didn't seem to mind. She was like, in Heaven at being surrounded by people in womens' clothes. So cute.
Kiva, as directed by David Lynch
What the hell?
This is one of the weirdest Kamen Rider episodes I've ever seen. The repeated uses of one set for no logical reason, the
insanely over the top dramatic music, the super speed of the plot, the shower scene, the incest... I mean, incest is actually par for the course with Kiva but man, did they
lay it on thick with this episode. They're doing that thing where they realise they've got too much plot to fit in normally into the amount of episodes they've got left, so they panic and just shove it ALLLL into one episode.
Lots of Arms Monsters in this episode though! I'm always down with that, even if it was mainly just them getting their asses handed to them. And lots of Yuri-Maya interaction! I suddenly want Yuri/Maya hatesex fic. ♥
Kengo's going to die, isn't he? D: It really looks like he's gone beyond redemption now, with trying to kill Wataru and all. :,(