Jul 14, 2007 00:18
lol, nothing like Harry Potter nerdiness to bring me back to my lj! I've been checking out some pics from interviews and getting excited. *sigh*, I still have yet to see the movie, but that's just because I don't want to go alone and one girl keeps putting it off. I probably will just go on sunday night.
I've begun to look for another place to live even though I have no clue if I will even be in CS much longer. I'm still waiting on jobs and have no idea when or where that will come. I did get some offers this week but had to turn them down since they were chicken hatcheries (aka the worst form of Hell). I just can't take them for the sake of having a job. I'm going to be at the burrito place a few more weeks because I'm about to hit 2000 hours and that means I get a 40hr paid bonus! As soon as that happens, I'm out to get another job in town for now because I can't take that place any more. It seems cheese and dairy is what I wish to pass time with now.
The Goober (dog) is good. She's now about 35lbs and waiting to get fixed. She's got an unknown allergy, so I have to wait til her skin clears up before the operation. We got through the teething stage with only one casualty. (can't believe it's been 6 months) She got to the laptop cord and it had to be replaced by a sub-par amazon.com stand in.
Ummm, my sister-in-law is supposed to be induced next week since she hasn't gone in to labor yet on her own. I'm kind of bummed I won't be there, but I really don't have stuff set enough that I can go down there for long and spend so much on gas and such. lol, I'm sure my brother will send me enough pics on his phone that I won't miss much.