teh elephants from last term? Good, today was Elephant Walk. *the Sr. version of that*
We walked around lots. Walked and walked. It got hot really fast. No pics of us droning in a line for two hours. Guys waiting to jump in Fish Pond.
Corps guys draining water from their boots.
...and guess who got in?
None of my friends would get in with me. I didn't want to regret being a 2 percenter about it. So I've gone out for this and ring day.
HELP! Can anyone tell me how to get the youtube videos in to posts? I've tried copying every code on the page I can find and it won't come up. :(
Seems it's just my layout doesn't like videos. I just found a ton on the wii site I had flisted that I thought were just blank entries because I didn't see anything. I don't have any placeholders on though.