What have you been doing girl?

Jun 18, 2010 00:36

So I haven't been blogging or anything useful anywhere for a while. I am trying to get used to my new move and the new amount of travel involved. Oddly enough, though I am at a more expensive than previous apartment, I am actually using less money over all. I think all the impending doom stuff helped me more than I realised. I won't be able to do everything I wanted to do like join all the clubs and such that I want to join, but I will be able to do what I like still and MAYBE save money as well.

My birthday is in two weeks. I was actually asked what I want to do for my Birthday and I found myself dumbfounded. Rare. VERY RARE is it that I am asked what I want to do, not because I never celebrate it or anything, but because I either have something planned and tell everyone what to do or they have something already planned or I just go with the flow of knowing everything will happen as it happens. So when I was asked, I felt not only oddly curious, but poleaxed and it took me a while to figure out why. Now... my bday is two weeks from today and I am hanging with a group where we have one under age 21 so I cannot do a bar party or anything.... What do I do? We might end up with Korean Barbeque... yeah, that sounds good.

I love my roommate. I was holding and holding out on finding an apartment and I was getting to the point where I would take just about anything because it would be cheaper than the next rent in my apartment, so when this opportunity presented itself, I was given two choices. One choice was more easily accessed, pay $925/mth A two month deposit, current month rent and final month rent, living with two guys I hadn't met and a cat that I had met in a gamerish haven, where one guy was an MIT grad and the other was going to FIT. Yeah... nearly $3000 to move in and I never met the roommates only the one who was moving. I kept trying to contact the other, I didn't want to go with the more expensive but beautiful place,I wanted the one that was advertised as $825/mth. Yeah, that was actually a little below my target, and I was having the darnedest time contacting her. When I went to my sister-in-law's play, I was shocked to discover the pleasant young lady I was chatting amiably with was the person I had been trying to contact. We made arrangements to view the apartment, but I knew IMMEDIATELY I would take this one because I got on VERY WELL with this chick. That was happy. The apt was messy. There was a lot of repairs needed, it was actually very crazy and the previous roommate was in the middle of moving her stuff out. The bedroom was small and the bathroom was only a closet, but there was so much of 'Me too!' while chatting with her, that I knew I would take the place. I did a little bit of searching, got the final number needed for the other apt, and made the decision to move in with this one. First day I moved in, she returned from a working thing wearing a pirate costume.... yeah. AWESOME start!

My roommate is into Ren Faires and we share similar interest in movies, we keep each other awake watching TV shows and searching music to amuse. Tom Lehrer is on the list. We are both night people, I like to cook she likes to bake, neither of us likes to rise in the morning. There is harmony here and I am lovin the move.

I am also hanging out with two people from Japanese school. One is in my class and the other is in a lower class. I have been busy busy busy nearly every weekend since the beginning of April and it doesn't seem to be letting up. I might have to shake loose one of these times so I can finally properly move in... my stuff is just PILED in my room and I have an entire weekend worth of laundry I need to work on, prolly about $50 worth that I have to pull down the stairs and over to the laundromat. I live in a third floor walk up and I just got used to the climb. Today for the first time the climb didn't exhaust me. YAY. Anyway, we hang out after every Japanese class and also at least once per weekend though we have been known to hang on several days with at least two of us three. It has been wonderful.

My gaming was cancelled in April when my DM's gameroom got flooded horribly. Each month he had to hold out as things were still up in the air finally he just cancelled the game entirely, there was no way he would get the room fixed in any decent timing. He will contact us all again and invite us to campaign when he gets his place fixed back to proper, but in the meantime, I think the only gaming I will do will be to try to get my two friends into gaming LOL I think I may be only half successful. I don't know if I will go back because I have gotten so busy, the only thing I can do is wait and see.

Did I miss anything? Probably but I will leave it to you to either ask me or wait for me to remember to do the next update. Hope you all are well as I haven't been following ANYONE except for occasionally on facebook. Perhaps my LJ mode is falling back in soon, we'll see.

japanese, roleplaying, apartment, update, friends, roommates, class

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