New Manga: Two mini-reviews

May 27, 2009 16:10

I was introduced to Vampire Knight when I went to an event a couple weekends ago and I found I couldn't put the thing down. I ran to and caught up to the current chapter. *sigh* another ongoing series.

While I was looking for something else to buy last weekend, I ended up picking up a few manga in English, one that looked interesting in the Japanese version and one that had a good review in the back of a book.

Hands Off! is quite funny. The main character has a special power. I am of the opinion that his special power is to enhance the special powers of others, but one of the characters in the books seems to think this kid GAVE him his special powers. It is quite amusing as the main character is a caring individual who happens to look like a girl and doesn't know his own powers. His companions are his cousin who can see past events and a kid who latched onto him on his first day at his new school who can see auras. For some reason, the cousin doesn't want his cousin to know that he has any powers at all and so the antics pursue. Amusing watching the cousin, who has a rep for germ-phobia, try to come up with remotely sane reasons to keep TOUCHING his girly looking cousin. The world is kept pretty sane though since we can hear the aura reader's thoughts as he watches the cousins and sees all the colors of their auras fly. I really want to read the whole series. dangit.

Otomen. I haven't even finished the first chapter and I am rolling about with laughter. FIRST of all: It is a shoujo manga. I have been trying to stay away from shoujo, but the evidence is mounting in my apartment of how much I can enjoy the genre. I never thought of myself as girlie so I am bit nervous reading it. I think I would be less embarrassed reading PG-Yaoi in public LOL. Anyway, I say this because this series is related to that topic. A man who likes girlie things like fluffy frilly items, cooking, sewing and shoujo manga, is hiding behind his public facade of doing "masculine" things such as kendo, judo and other martial arts because he doesn't want to upset his mother and he doesn't want to be found out. He ends up seeing a girl and competing with a guy for her. In the process, he starts buying more girlie things and sighing to himself about falling in love, he has a thing for a particular shoujo series too. As part of his 'competition' he helps the girl he likes to finish her sewing project. As a thank you she 'cooks' for him.... and he ends up volunteering to cook for her from now on. It seems his public facade is about to come crumbling down around his ears....

Really that isn't even through the first chapter yet. What makes it even more funny. The manga-ka is a non-girlie female as well. The combination has me alternately laughing my head off, being embarrassed for him and just plain enjoying the book.

Heh, well, I was having that swirl all around my head and I was having trouble working so I had to get it out. If you have read any of these let me know!

vampire knight, manga, otomen, hands off!, review

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