Apr 13, 2006 13:32
yeah today we have senior group pictures and I didnt even know it, oh well my mom is going to bring me the clothes I need and stuff she is great! ok I am so ready to get my band together, we need a drummer so bad, I have been writing music like crazy here lately, thats what I am here for to write music and play it for people to enjoy. I have a new friend his name is chris he is going to sing for my band, he can sing good too. The reason I write all this stuff down is because I have so many thoughts. When I write they just come out naturally, like I dont even think when I am writing, but when I am done writing I can go back and analyze my thoughts and make a plan. when I write music the same thing happens. I just sit down start writing music and however I feel thats how the music sounds. Most of the time I am happy and full of energy so the music ofcourse is the same way, happy and full of compex interluding notes that create this vibe of energy that flows through you and hopefully gives you same feeling. ok, I am going to explain "Gettysburg Again" in my live journal post today, I just feel like doing this because everyone is kind of confused at why the name of my band is "Gettysburg Again". Ok so the battle of Gettysburg was one of the fights in the civil war, this battle like any battle was full of emotion. There was crying, yelling, shouting, whispering, victory and feelings of loss during the whole event at the battle of gettysburg. What I want to do with my band is recreate these feelings through music. To recreate this feelings I have wrote songs like "Those August Winds" which will make it's mark hopefully this fall when we hopefully release our first demo. "Those August winds" is a song about an epic boat ride that a group of men take from a city, to somewhere they have never been before, they do not know what to expect, or if they will even make it to their destination. the song is about how sometimes we just have to put our trust in something and let go of what ever is holding us back. I could explain all of the songs but I will do that in a later post right now I have to go it is time to go to my next class.