Re: Writing, NaNoWriMo, Roleplay etc. (LONG)

Oct 31, 2006 18:42

Since this topic has come up among a few of my friends, I thought I would comment. It seems that it has gone on for a little while. Rather than sit on my hands, I am just going to let things fall where they will. Please note that nothing in this post is about anyone specifically, it is just a general commentary and needs to be iterated ( Read more... )

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niankhsekhmet November 1 2006, 01:58:02 UTC
First of all, I must say that I LOVE your icon! That thing should be the default icon for TM, I swear! ;)

I agree that fun is at the centre of what we are trying to do. If it isn't fun, why then are you doing it? When your Athos came on the scene, Fanny just clicked with him. Who could have forseen that they would be so intense with each other? Who could have later forseen the storyline where they would be split apart by people and events and it would be so incredibly angsty? She wasn't a muse slut by any stretch of the imagination, so that they felt so much for each other so soon was a surprise for both of us. We followed it where it went and neither of us could have predicted. But it is the angst and the tragedy that makes it so much fun!

I fully admit, I am plot-centric when I write. If there is no plot, my muse and I both get rather bored. She can't stay stagnant. Fanny just isnt a muse that does that well, which is why I made her half-Fae and effectively Immortal in her own right. No, that doesn't make her invincible, but it sure does make for some challenges. I like her in the Musketeer fandom because she fits so very well. You and Lee and Jo and Dan have been my reality check, especially since TM tends to be so damned nitpicky and cliquish. They are especially cliquish against OC's, for whatever reason. I do know that if I do something Sue-ish, or out of character for who Fanny is, you guys or your respective muses are the first to say so. A couple of nights ago between Fanny and Athos was a perfect example of that...poisoned blades and all! *g*


jessierarr November 1 2006, 02:17:55 UTC
HAHA. That would be the genius work of lollobrigida. :D I love it so!

I honestly never expected Athos to click so well with her. Dan did apparently, but not me. The fact that Fanny was adamant with talking to him despite his rejection and wariness towards her gender definitely made a great difference. I never thought the events that did happen would happen. It was my bad for believing Athos had finally found his happily ever after. I should've known that man's heart is cursed from the very start! ROFL. But I agree! The angst does make it fun and interesting. I love writing it and I'm sadistic that way. :D Look at the Milady situation. HEE.

Well, it's a shame that people are against OCs because you really have a wonderful one. :) I love writing with you and Fanny. The other night still makes me go "OMFG". It definitely showed me a more 'won't take crap' side of Athos (even with those who are close to him). They had their little feud while we munched on our popcorn.


fannyfae November 1 2006, 02:22:07 UTC
Thank you for the compliment. She has been alot of fun and a constant surprise for me.

Yes, when Athos pissed her off and she drew a poisoned Sidhe trident on him I just went, "Guh!What in the HELL!?" I think that she doesn't take his crap either, and it took him not taking her self indulgent whining and saying something jolting to give her her spine back! I thank you for that, btw. It was definitely needed! *g*


ursa_mater November 1 2006, 02:28:09 UTC

<.< He also want's popcorn and some pixie stix...



jessierarr November 1 2006, 02:37:17 UTC
ROFL. :D *halo*

Pixie stix, huh? ;) Athos says he's not sharing his popcorn with the Roach. He's stubborn and selfish like that.


ursa_mater November 1 2006, 02:42:50 UTC
Fine then. Roch say's he's going to hide ALL the Jolt Cola. And the Twix dark chocolate candybars. So there!

And he's heading off to round up the last of the helium balloons. *and in a high, mickey,mouse voice* So there!


jessierarr November 1 2006, 02:45:42 UTC
He dare hides the Jolt Cola and Twix from Athos?! *enter gasp here!* THAT IS SCANDALOUS.

Athos wants to know if he's going to dress up in his Drew Barrymore riding a camel costume.


ursa_mater November 1 2006, 02:51:22 UTC
HELLOOOOO! Selfish popcorn person!!!! Yooo hooo, I've got your twix bar RIGHT HERE BABY!

And Roch doesn't know who this Drew chap is, but he says sure, as long as Athos dressed up as Helga the Wisewoman. With the snake.

And Roch gets to keep Athos' arm that he gave to the cause! *wink*


jessierarr November 1 2006, 02:57:07 UTC
Oooh. Now you're just tempting the monster within! HE SHALL RESIST. For the sake and hope of the popcorn!

Athos says he will because there is nothing more horrifying than dressing up as a woman named Helga. He also likes that snake, THANKYOUVERYMUCH.

LOL. Roch has claiming rights to his arm. ;D Anything for a good cause.


niankhsekhmet November 1 2006, 02:48:43 UTC
Oh, boy! Heh, well this would have been about the same time Rochefort was giving you rather pointed *cough* ultimatums in dear_mun!

The Cliff's Notes version: Fanny was whining about feeling neglected, which is completely not her. Athos was tired of hearing it, accused her of being emo, she got pissed, drew one Sidhe trident on him pointed at his throat. He made another smart assed comment, she drew the second one and pointed it at the "family jewels". She didn't bother to tell him that both blades were poisoned until after she resheathed them that said that it was a good thing she wasn't truly pissed off or he didn't move the wrong way. He would probably not have been killed, but it would have made him pretty sick. I do believe she inadvently ended up tearing the fabric with the point near the groin area. OOops! ;)

Pixie stix, eh? Cool I will send out Fanny to buy a bunch at the after-Halloween sale just for him! I have popcorn, too. You do like butter, don't you?! ;)


still ooc, still not changing lj's and going off the computer NOW darnit!! leela1 November 1 2006, 02:54:47 UTC
Wish I could have seen it.. or read it..

And ultimatums SUCK by the way. I like my pretty sharp pointies.

And can you just SEE Rochefort on a sugar high? Oh man, that would be hilarious!

Roch: *bursts out laughing, kills a man.* So sorry, I actually meant to hit this one! *stabs another one and bursts out laughing again* You could at least have made it easy for me! Stab, stabbity stab even"


Re: still ooc, still not changing lj's and going off the computer NOW darnit!! fannyfae November 1 2006, 03:03:35 UTC
No worries, sweetie! I can send you a log. I think it might be interesting for you to see. It is mun knowledge only, though. We don't need Rochefort getting all huffy! He's been doing that enough lately!

I could so see Rochefort on a sugar high! I could see him being all wide and hyper! Maybe we could play that. What say you? Are you and your muse and say the other Three Musketeers muses up for some mayhem of that level? LOL God! What fun!!

ROFL!I could so see Faelyn just staring at him shaking her head with the stabity stab!


Re: still ooc, still not changing lj's and going off the computer NOW darnit!! leela1 November 1 2006, 03:08:32 UTC
OH man, the Dumas characters on a sugar high.. or a regular one... *most evil of grins*

Roch: Come on, Porthos, stop hoggin' the pipe there man. Pass it around. Oh, and who took my flint? Everyone always steels the flint. Aaaathhooooos, got the munchies again. Your turn to ride to the tavern. I can't do it man, I'll get caught. No no, I buy, you ride. *starts laughing* Aramis? Shutthefukup* *much more laughter* Who has the pipe this time? And where is my flint?


Re: still ooc, still not changing lj's and going off the computer NOW darnit!! fannyfae November 1 2006, 03:11:34 UTC
OMFG! That is just too....frightening!! LOL *falls out of chair laughing*


Re: still ooc, still not changing lj's and going off the computer NOW darnit!! fannyfae November 1 2006, 03:23:45 UTC
Fanny brings in a case of Cocaine energy drinks. She eyes Sebastien, Athos and Aramis in turn and said, "Now, let's see who can really get their snack on!"


RP because it was funny the way it fell out! ;) fannyfae November 2 2006, 01:50:57 UTC
Faelyn watches the men jostle each other around the table, wondering if Athos or anyone is about ready to go to the store at Sebastien's prompting. The mood is light and definitely jovial.

"My heart is full of sadness, aching with the pangs of a thousand needles stabbing into my fullsome breasts," the Comte de Rochefort begins, "The rage bites me, snarling at my loins and driving me onward, onward to that dark mist of ... " he stops abruptly and gives quite a cheeky grin.

"Sebastien, I think you are very giddy right now, " Faelyn says quietly, trying to keep herself from bursting out laughing hysterically and failing miserably.

Suddenly, Rochefort got a look on his face as if he suddenly remembered something vital that he had forgotten, " Hey! do we have any hummus? Faelyn! Where is that cheese we lit on fire last time?!" Sebastien turned to Athos who was going for his coat, nearly ready to go out the door, "Ooh< Athos! You have to check it out! It is so cool! Porthos, watch your eyebrows."

Faelyn was filled with trepidation as Sebastien ran into the kitchen and got a large slab of feta cheese on a desert plate. Thank goodness, she thought, it was not one of her lovely new plates from Pier 1. He was busying himself looking frantically around for something, "What did we use to light it last time? Petrol? No wait...brandy, yes, that's it! Yeah...Fire... fireee check it out ..HEY! Where's my flint!?"

Sheepishly, Faelyn reached into the pocket of her skirt and pulled out the precious prize, "Gods, I know I am going to regret this....."

Not losing a single beat, Rochefort knocked the flint against steel. With a *Whoooooosh! * rather than lighting the brandy on the feta cheese to make saganaki. he saw a flash out of the corner of his eye, "Hey, Faelyn! Now that's a fire!!" He was about to beam proudly at he had done when he noticed that his hat was smoldering. He batted at his hat, sparks flying off the top of it.

"Looks like the haberdashery in Paris will be getting repeat business soon," Faelyn quipped, "Sebastien, wasn't the idea to light the cheese?"

"Getting there.. I'm gettting there! he said, pulling flaming feather out of his hat and touching it to the cheese., " See?"

"And of course, you do have a lemon handy in order to put OUT the fire, dont you?" Faelyn asked.

"Uhhh.. lemon?" Rochefort looked genuinely surprised,"Can't we just blow on it or something?"

"Sure," Faelyn said grinning,"if you want to singe your eyebrows again!" She was about to go to the kitchen to fetch a lemon when she realized that the lower part of Rochefort's face was now smoldering, "Now look what youve done! You've lit your goatee on fire!"

"Argh!! Rochefort was slappig at his face, "Not the goatee! NOT the goatee!!!"

Faelyn takes a damp bar towel and puts out Rochefort's face fighting desperately not to burst out laughing along with the other Musketeers and guests who have all been unable to contain their cannibis-enhanced amusement. "Your Grace is less than graceful when he's had a bit of the herb, aye?" she said shaking her head with a slight smirk, fighting hard not to lose all semblence of control and laugh out loud, but failing miserably.

"Yeeesh," came a muffled voice from beneath the wet towel, "Hoping thish wears off soon..." Suddenly the voice beneath the towel turned to something that was akin to a plaintive wail, " Faelyn? I think I burned off my goatee! What will I do without my goatee?"

Faelyn found herself at last laughing softly, "I donnae know. You certainly won't be nearly as intimidating to be sure...that is until you can grow a new one. That is IF you can!"

That gets a towel pulled off the face and up on top of his head, over the hat, " What do you mean, if I can? Of course I can WOMAN! I'm a .. I ahh.. *towel - whap - is around face again* "I have to grow my goatee back!!"


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