This and That...a short update.

Oct 28, 2006 14:04

Work has been insane. I have had today to actually get things done that I want to get done. Today I have gotten to spend the majority of the day with my son, userbenu. He is getting so damned tall! He got through mid-terms at college. I am so proud of him I can barely stand it. He is so responsible he frightens me sometimes. He has handled all of his college funding, loans, loan forgiveness, etc. without a damned bit of help from me. It's a good thing, because his mama at present isn't making as much as she could be!

At last has been uploaded to its new home. It is now being hosted on the Pan Historia servers. What is there now is by no means permanent. We just wanted to get SOMETHING up there! This means I have tons of space to make this site what I want it to be without having to worry. My focus for it, in spite of what I have up there now, is to discuss the healing system of Traditional Sekhem, herbal medicine, and be a sort of clearing house of information about Sekhmet and Her worship. The Ancient Egyptian Virtual Temple which is on my main ISP is in desperate need of an update and expanded information. Hopefully I will get to that soon, but I have a gazillion things to do this weekend. We are ready for winter.

My muse, fannyfae has been after me to get moving on a few posts. I owe reps over at Pan Historia, in theatrical_muse, elite_muses and various other threads such as the one I have going with bella_louve, civ_barbarian and all_forme. I am trying to convince the muns for all_forme, allfor_one, allfor_god and any other Three Musketeers muses to come over to Pan Historia and take over the all-but-dead "novel" over there. (Come, my lovelies! I have lots of goodies like free webspace, messaging, and such to offer you as a bribe! ) Given the level of storytelling and the precision of the writing coming out of those aforementioned muses, I really think we can increase the following for them over here on Livejournal. *gently nudges them all in that direction*

I just heard a rumour about a new energy drink. That energy drink's name is so controversial, it got it banned from 7-11 stores. The name is Cocaine. It is not in any way illegal, it just is 350% more powerful than Red Bull. Yes, I ordered some. I have three cans on the way from a distributor on eBay. Why? Because I hate it when someone tells me I can't have something only by virtue of the fact that they just simply "say so", and secondly, I am an herbalist. I want to look at the ingredients list for real. I have my suspicions about what is really in it. I want to see if I am right. Not that I need to. I already have a SYTO (SYTO = Speeding Your Titties Off) formula of my own. I admit, I don't use it very often, however. It isn't good for your body to be up on energy drinks all the darned time. It burns out your adrenals.

Anyway, right now I have to take Beni back into town. His laundry is done. He needs a haircut and some things from the store. I should be on later. :)
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