Catching Up...

May 21, 2006 12:04

It has been a while since I have posted much in the way of herbal things to my LJ. I have been working on my herbal AHG stuff. That never seems to end. Right now I am looking at trying to get the basement rearranged to facilitate all that. Its going to be alot of work.

I have been dealing with for the past few weeks something that is not conjuctivitis but is some sort of eye infection. I had my doctor take a look at it, they prescribed drops. The drops didn't do crap. I had been using an infusion of eyebright and goldenseal, but Trilby reminded me that goldenseal, in particular the constituent berberine is not very water soluable. Solution? I need to get a tincture of goldenseal going. Thankfully, I still have some on hand from when I worked at Frontier. I have some root, at least a gallon jar of whole root. Yes, it is farmed, not wild crafted for those of you who are concerned. It was one of those ultimate sweet deals as it was a particular packaging size that was what did they do? They put it in the free bin! Free you say?! Why, thank you! I will take that little price worth several hundred dollars, no problem! You don't have to twist my arm!

Today userbenu, my son graduates from high school! Let me tell you it makes me feel quite old at this moment! God, where did my baby boy go?! *flail* I am so proud of him, I can barely speak. He has been accepted into Mount Mercy, which is a private college to pursue his major, which is education. I made the mistake of asking him what everyone else asks, and that is, "What grade level do you think you want to teach?" Big mistake! He doesn't know yet, and that is fine. I think everyone should be allowed to find out what interests them. Did I mention that I am proud of him? ;)

This morning I got the most outrageous email with a Word file attached. I wrote back saying, hey, I don't know you - and don't you ever send me anything unsolicited. I will delete it. So if you have something to tell me, cut and paste from your document, send another email, but there will be no 'clicky-clicky' on my PC to any sort of attachment from someone I don't know, and even then - I had better being expecting it. So the guy wrote back, apologized profusely and it turns out that it was some guy in Azerabijan who read something by Flinders Petrie circa 1926 - and now he seems to think he has made the "discovery" that the Ancient Kemetic ideas of the Duat and indeed the entire Book of the Dead is in fact referring to the Caucus region! *head desk* WHA?! *stare* I tell you, I just wanted to write him back an email that said simply,

"EXCUSE ME, but are you on CRACK?!"

Good GOD!! Where do these people come from, and just *why* do they seek me out?! Why the Kemetic culture? Why are people constantly trying to lay claim to this civilization? I wish I understood this. Egypt, in case these people can't quite seem to grasp it is in AFRICA. Repeat after me: "Egypt is on the continent of AFRICA!!" See, that wasn't so hard was it?! What kind of racist bullshit insists that Africa indigenously could not possibly have created probably the greatest civilization on the planet? Why do people constantly have to atrtribute it to the long outdated, Dynastic Race Theory, European intervention or Space Aliens?! Great White Brotherhood?! Do you have ANY idea how disgustingly racist that supposedly well-meaning drivel sounds?! Why does it have to be the Great White Brotherhood? Why can't it be the Great Brown Sisterhood?! It just drives me insane when people send me this crap. No, of course, the people of Ancient Kemet couldn't possibly have been smart enough to have created something that was so noteworthy on their own! They needed outside influences. Brown and Black People are not capable of things on such a grand scale. Yeah, and I have some swamp land in Giza to sell you.

Couple that with having tried to wad through Jeremy Naydler's latest offering, "The Shamanic Wisdom of the Pyramid Texts: THe Mystical Tradition of Ancient Egypt" , I am about as open to a bunch of white theorists masturbating their own egos and pet theories as I am to having a root canal! Naydler definitely must get off on the sound of his own voice. To quote Nakht's (in)famous line, "It's cute....but its WRONG!!"

*deep breath*

I think I just need to stop caring what people like these say. I have better things to do with my time than expending the information and effort on such silliness.
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