Okay, so Mel made a top-ten list and I am shamelessly copying her. Sorry for posting twice today =P
1. England
Here is a huge surprise! England is wonderful and I love him even more than I love the real country and he's a sexy pirate and a hilarious drunk and a cute child and a massive tsundere and I fancy the pants off him and he fancies the pants off America it's cannon KK.
2. Romano
Romano is like amazing he swears all the time and gets all angry and I totes ship him with Spain like duh and I like his protectiveness towards his brother I kind of ship them but not really and he has cute green eyes and is a total tsundere too and squee.
3. Switzerland
Switzerland is the best he's all angry too with all his guns and his banking and his GET OFF MY LAWN-ness and he goes all tsundere for Austria also and he's so lovely to his morality pet Lichtenstein saving her and buying her ribbons and being adorable and he has pretty green eyes.
4. Prussia
I love Prussia so much I missed him off the list and only remembered him at the last moment so there had to be 11 instead of 10 and so does everyone so it really needs no explanation but DUDE he like kicks so much ass and has red eyes and white hair and knows just how awesome he is I ship him with himself for realz.
5. America
America isn't really that sexy but he's so cute with his idiot heroness and enthusiasm and his not bothering to read the atmosphere and his fast food and stuff we would totally be friends IRL
6. Spain
Spain has a sexy butt and lots of sexy outfits and he's dorky and is slightly pedo towards the Italy bros but who cares he's really nice to them and stuff and again with the gorgeous green eyes fuck yeah Spain I'm so happy he won the world cup.
7. China
China is lovely man he's so pretty and he kicks the Axis' ass with a wok and he owns at cooking and has a panda with him like all the time and pandas are amazing cute and he's such as good big bro but doesn't ever get the recognition and respect he deserves and he has a cute voice aru
8. Korea
I don't even know why I like Korea so much he's so annoying but so cute and irritating brother-y he fucking invented everything I am so sad he's not the the anime dude he owns.
9. Poland
Poland needs no explanation I have more pictures of him in girl's clothing than men's he just doesn't care he can be a totally valley girl and still be awesome like totally.
10. Greece
Greece is so sexy with his manliness and sexual prowess and he's also sweet with his laziness and his cats and his manly crush on Japan dude even my brother has the hots for Greece.
11. Japan
I love Japan enough to leave a place for him on the list I mean look how cute he is and he's also secretly a pervert and an otaku and he's all socially awkward and adorable.
Random notes: This is totally in the wrong order I ought to have started with Japan but oh well. My top of the tops are all pretty tsundere and loads of them seems to have green eyes and all of them are men (but there aren't that many girls in Hetalia, so I have an excuse this time). Also I have a habit of ranting about ships when it's supposed to be about just the characters XD