So clearly when I jump back into fandom I do a great big belly flop. Whoo!
Okay, so first, links to recent comment fics. This last-line meme is way too fun, and I have two more up, in other journals.
"'This is boring,' Jack grumbled." off of one on
"Jack snatched irritably at the bedside phone. 'Yeah.'" off one on
And now, some hard-drive housekeeping. I've been going through my various (very unorganized) WIP files and digging out the stuff that is either done, or done in it's un-doneness. Everything is pretty short, so I'm putting it all together on the roundup.
First, a drabble that grew out of one a 'welcome post' draft over at
sg1_ever_after. It ended up being long enough to stand on it's own, but I don't think I ever actually did anything with it.
Jack turned to look up into the control room, where Hammond was preoccupied, idly carding his fingers through the thick red hair atop his head. Loki could fix male pattern baldness, could correct a lifetime of poor eyesight, but Jack and Sam still got stuck with zits -- how was that fair?
"SG-1, you have a go," said Hammond, distracted.
"Okay, kids!" Jack said, just for the perverse amusement of getting the same two long suffering expressions in response, the same skeptically arched eyebrow. "Move out!"
They hit the wormhole running. This was so, so much better than college.
The original opening to what was eventually re-written into
'Taking Leave'. I didn't like the first version at all, but I did kind of like the first four paragraphs.
The Stargate went public on a Tuesday night in January. There was a big ceremony with the President and everything, a slew of world leaders, a straight-backed line of SGC and Atlantis expedition personnel standing at attention as the world watched. Sam watched, too, from her living room, sprawled out on her couch with her feet in Daniel’s lap and a bowl of popcorn balanced on her stomach, for no other reason than Law & Order wasn’t on until ten and they had time to kill.
Daniel took a pull off his beer and then nearly choked on it, had to look away long enough to swallow. “Watch Lorne,” he managed.
Sam scanned the faces behind the podium where an IOA rep was talking (and talking, and talking) and found Lorne on the far left of the screen, the last visible body, completely still except for a slight twitching, a tiny smile that he kept valiantly trying to smother. She blinked, then squinted in disbelief; Lorne, slipping from attention on live television, it wasn't like him - but then the camera pulled out a bit, back enough that the next few people on either side of the line came on screen, and Sam saw. McKay was on Lorne’s right, clearly bored, shifting impatiently. He visibly sighed, looking at something up and off to the side, muttered something to a scientist on his other side, and Sam snickered, reached for another handful of popcorn. “Weir’s gonna kill him when she sees the tape.”
"If she can manage to stay awake long enough to see it," said Daniel. He toasted the screen.
This was written for the Pentagular Gate prompt "Five alternate universes SG-1 has visited through the quantum mirror" (
here), although I eventually decided not to post it there. It's just been gathering dust since then. I'll preface it by saying that it really was written with love. : )
1. There was the one where they kept trying to sit down and swap information with their counterparts, but accomplished almost nothing before they hit the 48 hour limit and had to leave. Apparently, that universe’s Jack and Sam had received some kind of presidential dispensation to disobey the fraternization regulations. The only time the two weren’t making strange, off-putting shmoopy faces across the briefing room table at one another was when they were both mysteriously unaccounted for. (They would come back forty minutes later, rumpled and exchanging lewd glances on what they seemed to think was the sly.) And the whole base was in on it, apparently. The alternate Daniel and Janet kept winking at each other knowingly, and their General Hammond would look on and smile paternally; later, he invited SG-1 to come back in May, for the wedding. Apparently they were having the ceremony in the gate room.
Jack and Sam were initially kind of freaked out by the whole thing, but by the time they all finally gave up and went home, they had started to find it kind of funny. It took weeks before they could sit across from each other in a briefing without the whole team starting to snicker.
They ended up passing on the invitation, though.
2. There was another where the alternate Jack and the alternate Daniel no longer worked at the SGC because they apparently had both retired a year before so they could move to Minnesota together with their pet terriers and their nine adopted alien children. The alternate Sam and Teal’c seemed kind of relieved about it, actually. (Rumor was, the dogs were kind of freaky.)
3. They only stayed in the universe where the alternate SG-1 had been turned into a bunch of five year olds running wild through the base for about half an hour. It was too terrifying to be worth any possible information they might have gained.
4. On one memorable trip through the mirror, they met an alternate Daniel who was actually very accommodating, and gave them a lot of really valuable information about planets they had encountered in their reality that would be worth a look when SG-1 got home. He was astoundingly nice, selfless, humble to a fault, utterly guileless, and evidently beloved by the whole of the SGC.
He was also, oddly, guarded at all times by a contingent of heavily armed marines, a rotating duty of medical personnel, and the universe’s alternate Jack, who was forever ruffling the other Daniel’s hair and calling him ‘Danny.’ It was - creepy.
Not long into their visit, Danny accidentally cut his finger on the edge of a file folder, and was immediately rushed to the infirmary for medical attention. The team was pretty much ignored after that, although red-eyed SGC personnel occasionally stopped to keep them apprised: apparently the paper cut had turned infected despite Dr. Fraiser’s best efforts, and Danny was bravely fighting for his life, while the rest of the team sat vigil at his bedside.
When it was announced that Danny was going to pull through after all, SG-1 used the chaos of the base-wide celebration as a cover to slip, unnoticed, back through the mirror.
5. And then…there was that universe. The one where no one seemed to be interested in talking to them or, in fact, in doing any work at all, because they were all too busy running around in various states of undress, rotating in and out of supply closets and closed offices in every changing pairs and triplets and worryingly large groups. At one point, they caught sight of Janet Fraiser chasing Paul Davis around a corner, wearing the shortest lab coat any of them had ever seen and stilettos, swinging her stethoscope like a cane.
Eventually the other Jack appeared, covered in hickeys, and made a few attempts at sharing planetary designations before the rest of his team caught up with him and dragged him off towards the VIP suites.
The reports for that mission were fabrications from beginning to end. Some things just didn’t need to go on record.
(Later, much later, when they started comparing the universes after a few too many beers, they realized there was only one constant. Teal’c had been present in every universe, but not one of them could recall any of the alternates ever saying a single thing.
“I guess we got the chatty one,” Jack said. Well, slurred.
“Indeed,” said Teal’c.)
And I don't know what this was for, maybe also something for a five things prompt and maybe for a fic. I know it's sometime in season 7 and that's all I got, but I still kind of like it.
He doesn't remember anything about P36-5T8.
(Nothing particularly interesting happened on P36-5T8, going by the mission report, and there aren't any references from his field or his personal journal on any of those dates that stand out. He would just assume there was nothing to remember, except --
-- except it's one of those planets that randomly comes up once in a while, a complete non sequitur from one of the team. And Sam always laughs, and Teal'c looks smug, and Jack usually says something unintelligible about gazelles, and that makes Sam laugh harder.
He usually covers by putting on the 'trying not to smile but still kind of smiling' face and goes back to what he was doing before, which seems to satisfy his role in the reminiscing.
He will never, ever admit he has no idea what they're talking about.)
And now that that's all out of the way...whew! Time to do some new stuff.