Hijinks Ensue: Sherlocked and Loaded
And you absolutely have to read the alt-text.
I heard about this on Tumblr, which is the place where I found
this video, from G4's Attack of the Show, in which John Barrowman is talking about shipping. He explains how Entertainment Weekly had a "favorite ship" online poll, but deleted suggestions for Stiles/Derek of Teen Wolf, as well as any other same sex couples, because they weren't canon. Um... then why didn't they say it was a poll for "Favorite Heterosexual Couple" because shipping has absolutely nothing to do with what's in canon. Shippers have a flotilla of ships, from which they fire canons out of cannons.
Even if you're not a Teen Wolf fan, it's worth watching, because of course John has to pimp AfterElton's
Ultimate Slash Madness Tournament, in which he notes this round has Stiles/Derek vs. Angel/Spike and says he's only kissed one of them. Then he mentions there's a pairing for some guys called The Doctor and Captain Jack and proceeds to show off fan art.
I'm feeling a bit verklempt now. Back when I started slashing twenty-something years ago, I never thought slash would be talked about relatively openly, not to mention enthusiastically supported by some of the actors involved.