Tor: Life After Cancellation: 6 Shows That Deserve Netflix Resurrection
I'm not necessarily thinking Netflix is the only answer, but out of the six listed, I would love to see more of Carnivale and Firefly. The former had two seasons, and according to TPTB, a third season would have finished out the storyline. Give me another season, or a graphic novel detailing what would have happened. For those of you who haven't watched it, don't let that scare you off, because it's still an awesomely weird show with a detailed mythology. Bonus points because the Carnivale traveled an area that's not too far from where I live, and the attention to details of what it was like during the Dust Bowl/Depression is amazing.
Firefly is the no-brainer one, as said in the blog, but I don't think resurrection as it was is possible. It's been ten years, the major storyline in the first and only season was finished in the movie, and there would be character changes beyond the possibility of actors not being available. That said, I think it might be interested to see a miniseries to carry on the storyline. Might be easier to pull together cast and crew for a shorter project, plus being able to do a short arc with a set beginning, middle, and end would allow the show to finish properly. If it gets another miniseries, awesome, if not, you're not left hanging again. I'm rather enjoying the British shows and ones on cable that do short seasons where they know what's going to happen at the end when the show begins. They still might leave you dangling, but they often know if they're going to get another season when they do it.
What other shows would you like to see revived, revisited, or rebooted? For me, off the top of my head: Farscape (it was rumored to be revived with web content, but that was ages ago and nada), Middleman, The Dresden Files, The Unusuals, Nowhere Man, Odyssey 5, Terminator: TSCC, Babylon 5, Due South, Alien Nation, Torchwood (but with the actual Captain Jack Harkness, not the stranger in the last two series), and ReGenesis (which never got its due). Some of the shows did have some followup after cancellation, such as movies done for Babylon 5 and Alien Nation, but I think those worlds could do with a revisit.
With some shows, the characters made the 'verse, but with others, I think the 'verse itself is pretty powerful. An updated version, perhaps featuring some of the original cast, but making adjustments for time passed, would be the best route. Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis could be revived under new management with a new vision (seriously, this is a must). Or perhaps something more likely is a new Stargate show that stayed true to the first two and could allow guest starring roles, if not permanent ones, to actors from the originals? I'm rather curious to see if someone could "mix and match" between the two and add in something new to create a show that would appeal to the fanbase. Not everyone watched both shows, I think in many cases because SG-1 had been on for years before it was easily available on SciFi and some didn't want to play catch up, but I don't think there would be as much uproar of creating an "in universe" show with characters we're familiar with versus an all new cast and setup that doesn't resemble the original concepts. ::cough::SGU::cough::
There was talk about letting SG-1 be retooled into Stargate Command after RDA left, which survives as a line in which Harriman welcomes Mitchell to Stargate Command. They decided against this idea, and I think it was at least partly because changing the name would reset the counter and they wouldn't have been named longest running American sci-fi show. I wondered then and now if it could have worked and gone on with more cast flexibility. I know some people's allegiances are to certain characters, and I fall into that quite a lot, but the general audience often cares about the general show and not the specifics.
Hollywood is obsessed with recycling, so it would be nice if they could revive a show without completely mangling the concepts of the original. Doubtful it would happen, but hey, like I mentioned, I'd be happy to have graphic novels or animated shows continue or complete the untold tales of shows cancelled before their time or otherwise just so awesome I'd like to visit them again. Well, outside of fanfic. ;-)