Nov 07, 2011 22:19
I was watching Science (the channel formerly known as The Science Channel, formerly known as Discovery Science) and saw ads that ReGenesis would begin airing Saturday, November 26th. Didn't catch the time, because I was too busy trying to figure out if I was really seeing a ReGenesis promo or if the imagery for a Science program looked very similar. Could happen.
Not sure of the details, because it's not on the website yet nor have I seen a press release in any of the usual places, but I imagine it's going to be similar to when they were airing Firefly in blocks. My only concern is they'll probably be showing the super edited for syndication version, which were just horribly done from what I could tell. Doubt they'd be willing to air the show chock full of f-bombs, but maybe it will attract a few more fans, and lead to them finally releasing the whole series on DVD.