Snow Day = catching up on DVR backlog

Feb 01, 2011 17:08

I skipped commenting on 4.04 for some reason, even though I watched it the day after it aired. I guess I was blinded by Becker being shirtless and all ready for some hurt/comfort fanfic. *g*

So Becker's out for recovery and they can't scrape up someone else to go with the team? Yeah, I know, saving money by not paying red shirts extras, but we went from Connor and Abby arriving to carloads of ARC security personnel, and now they can't even fill a car? This was an annoyance I had with earlier seasons too.

On the plus side, I like that in this episode and the previous one, Lester got to be a bit sneaky and subversive. Well, at least in something not involved in politicking. They seem to be building up to a split with Lester, Connor, Abby and Becker on one side, with Burton heading up the other. The big question is which side Matt and Jess will take. We already know Matt's got an unknown agenda, but if Jess tries to be a stickler for the rules or an outright agent for Burton, she could throw a wrench spanner into the works too.

Interesting that Mystery Guy invoked Helen Cutter's name and how she could have destroyed human history. And the Other Mystery Guy, Ethan, seems to know a whole lot about anomalies than it first appeared. I think there was an assumption he was from the same time period as Emily (and we don't even know if she's telling the truth, but apparently that's wrong. I've always had the niggling feeling that the anomalies are caused by something Really Bad happening and ripping holes in space-time, but I'm not sure how much they're going to rely on their own canon, since they haven't been very good with it in the past. Is the future we saw with the bat creatures still on track to be the future in this storyline?

I'm placing my bets that whatever Matt and Mystery Guy are trying to stop (my guess is the aforementioned Something Bad) goes down with them thinking Ethan (or Burton, but he seems too red herring to me) is the tipping point, but it's actually something that happens while trying to stop him from whatever he's up to.

Watched last two episodes of Southland. Damn, show, damn. You can make me giggle over several scenes, then kick me in the teeth. And I still come back for more.

southland, primeval

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