BBC America: Original UK series, Being Human, returns next month on BBC America’s Supernatural Saturdays for a monster third season
February 19, 9:00 p.m. ET/PT for eight WAY too short weeks. SPOILER ALERT: The press release starts out with the generic stuff then talks about the basic setup for this season, followed by information about guest stars (whose character names might be spoilery), with a synopsis for the first two episodes at the end. Which wouldn't be much of a surprise for anyone watching via other means.
I'm curious to see if BBCA hits the censorship button a lot. Sometimes the edits draw more attention to The Bad Word than just saying it and moving on. Anyone who's watched the UK episodes out so far see/hear anything the network will think is just too much for our American prudishness? [snicker]
Hmm... will the Skiffy version still be on when the original airs on BBCA? It's already confusing enough figuring out which press releases and blog posts are about which show.