I adored the schmoop with a side of h/c, but seriously, won't someone let Margo borrow the Oakdale brain for a few minutes? It's sad to see her not even considering tracking the GPS for Noah's phone, which they know was on not too long ago.
But, but, but... pretty boys, tied up, with some innuendo and I love yous? Yeah, I'm there.
Plus, while Holden continuing to accuse Damien of being behind all this is beyond old, I have to admit, there's a spark of Holden/Damien potential. *g* I know Damien's done some awful stuff in the past for Holden, Luke, et al to be suspicious, but because I've only been told about them and not seen them (only a few clips), I guess I'm just more likely to want to believe him. He does seem to have Luke's best interests at heart now, and also likes Noah, while Noah (who's a good judge of character in general) has the gut feeling Damian really does want to mend fences.
If Noah's whackjob dad ever shows up, I want to see both of Luke's dads team up to protect the boys, combined with Lucinda and Lily. That. Would. Be. Epically. Awesome.