Doctor Who & Class

Apr 17, 2017 12:00

Anyone want to talk about the newest Doctor Who series? No major spoilers, but feel free in the comments.

I think TPTB were being not-so-subtle with the title "The Pilot" because it did feel a bit like a soft reboot. Even though the show itself is over 50 years old, the new version has been running for a decade. For potential new viewers, that's enough to make them gunshy about trying it, even if they're willing to start with the new version and skip the original. Time to create a new entry point.

A new companion can be a gateway for new viewers, and just going by what we saw in the first episode, I think Bill will be good for the viewer's POV. The usual revelations about The Doctor, TARDIS, etc. were dealt with pretty rapid-fire, so as not to drag for those of us who know all this, but enough to give new viewers the concepts. Bill seems very smart, and her way of thinking seems to be different from what we're used to seeing with a companion. I think maybe they've finally gotten over the whole Mystery Girl thing and are going with a Mystery Vault instead, though there is a bit of mystery surrounding The Doctor and Bill if you pay close attention.

The plot was rather meh, but it worked well enough for an introduction. I have not felt much love for the writing for Capaldi's Doctor, which is a shame because I think he's perfect for the role.

This is the last series for Moffat and Capaldi, and it seems they're going to be mining the old series for favorites we might not have seen in a while. They're both old school Who fans, so why not have fun with it? I'm rather bummed about Capaldi leaving, as I feel he's finally got the right companions in the mix. The Doctor doesn't seem to be as obliviously grumpy, and even seems a bit nostalgic with pictures of River and Susan on his desk. I wish I could see how his Doctor would work with a new showrunner with some hopefully fresh writing.

As for Class, I know it's already aired in its entirety in the UK and other parts of the world. I'm not quite sure why BBC America decided to hold it to air along with the new Doctor Who series instead of airing it last year during the long drought. Instead, it's a show that I already know won't get another season, which colors my view of it.

We've had a children's spin-off with The Sarah Jane Adventures, and the adult Torchwood, so this time out we're getting a young adult version. I think the main problem is we're in a glut of them, and being a spin-off of Doctor Who might actually hurt it because viewers might think they have to watch it to get the new show. They outright acknowledge their TV show ancestors by explaining a dimensional rift that can dump aliens into Coal Hill School by comparing it to Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Hellmouth. It's also similar to the idea of the Cardiff rift in Torchwood.

I also had a fun moment watching the "new kid in school" (and on the planet) having to quickly google Idris Elba at one point, because he's an actor many have indicated they'd like to see as the next Doctor. Meta or not? We won't know until the next regeneration. There's also a few subtle callouts to the past if you pay attention, since Coal Hill School has been featured several times since it was in the first episode.

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