Dear Prudence: Help! My 13-Year-Old Daughter Has Been Reading Pornographic Fan Fiction.
(I've also posted this on
Q. 13-Year-Old Daughter Reading Porn Disguised as Fan Fiction: I discovered my 13-year-old daughter has been reading fan fiction for a very popular all boy band which describes in explicit detail sex acts between the male band
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I think it might have been because it's two guys. And it's probably One Direction, too. :P
I agree. If teens want to read NC-17 fic, they'll find a way. And, hey, at least she's reading. Points for that.
I also feel sorry for the teenage girl. A brief talk with mom about PWP fanfic?? I'd want to die.
I know bandom fic is big, but I was too old for it by the time it became a thing. Makes me feel old when I hear about all these various types of fic that I had no idea existed.
Well, I'm not a parent and when I was 13, I was reading Judy Blume books or Choose Your Own Adventure. Of course back in our day there was no Internet. :P Thirteen is too young for porn (het or slash) IMO. Hell, I'll read some slash summaries/warnings and think WTH. I know everyone has their own kinks, but I don't know where authors get these ideas. Probably written by teens, too.
I wish my local library had some M/M romances. It's all het, so if teens want to read m/m romance novels/stories, their only option is online.
Though my friends and I were massive nerds reading all the time, and if one of us found a book with naughty bits, it was passed around. We were having end of semester exams when I was in 8th grade (I would have been 11/12), and I always brought a book to kill time after I was done. A 7th grader was reading the first Dragonriders of Pern book, and there's telepathic dragon influenced sex, and I was informed of this fact. She passed the book on to me to read, then I went out and bought all the ones that were out at that point.
I swear some fanfic writers are so liberated by the ability to do anything, they don't just push the boundaries, they nuke the boundaries ( ... )
That's the problem with fanfic. Anyone can write it. ;)
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