A close brush with the Fake Geek Girl thing

May 25, 2014 15:08

I forgot to mention a story from the dealer's room at Dallas Comic Con. One booth had all sorts of decals that you could put on your car, laptop, tablet cover, etc. They had them for $5 each, or three for $10. I wanted the anti-possession tattoo from Supernatural, but all I spotted from the show was a Devil's Trap. The former would probably get me enough weird looks if I slapped it on my Kindle cover, but the latter most definitely would. Besides, after what happened to my last Kindle, I felt it needed protection. ;)

So I kept perusing and found the Ingress symbol, which may or may not end up on my car. I know several other players do that to be recognized by other players when they're out playing, but others prefer to use stealth. Then I spotted Pacific Rim's stylized eagle of the Pan Pacific Defense Corps, and three out of four of the Jaegers (aka giant robots) used in the movie. The eagle quickly moved into the lead for placement on my Kindle case, and I picked up a second Ingress symbol for my cousin who's way ahead of me in the game for my "free" one.

I placed them on the table as I dug out my dollar coins (thanks DART, for not taking my card and only giving back dollar coins as change, since many places don't like to deal with them), and the guy who was waiting on me picked up the Pacific Rim eagle and asked, "Do you know what this is?" I had a bad feeling I was getting into a Fake Geek Girl scenario, so I popped off with, "It's the Pacific Rim logo. By the way, you've only got three of the Jaegers, you're missing Crimson Typhoon." The guy then raised his hand for a high five. Turned out it's simply that PacRim fandom is kind of small, so he was just excited to see someone recognize it and not just think it's a cool looking eagle.

The whole "fake fan" thing is silly to me. I still call myself a Star Wars and Star Trek fan, though I didn't care for the former's prequels nor watched the latter's reboot. I'm rather dreading the revival of Star Wars, which was the movie that I consider made me into a card carrying fangirl. I still consider myself a Doctor Who fan, despite only watching one season of Eleven and skipping the rest; things just never clicked for me for various reasons. I'm in a quandary now, with Twelve on the horizon. Should I do a marathon of the episodes I've skipped, so I'll at least notice references to those events in future episodes, or just wing it? There's been references to the original series that I didn't catch until other fans pointed them out to me, and I kind of vaguely know about the major story lines I skipped, so I'm seriously considering just winging it.

I'd even been considering skipping out on Twelve because I think I would have liked Eleven a lot more with a different showrunner, but they've been doing things that make me feel like some of the issues I'd had previously might be changing. I haven't been following news closely, but we'll have an "older" Doctor, a promise of no Companions pining for The Doctor (though the reasoning behind it seeming to be he appears older makes me roll my eyes right out of the sockets, because the character is pushing a millennium now, so appearances be damned), more than one Companion that seems not to be a romantic pairing, and behind the scenes there's supposed to be some women involved in what was pretty much a No Girls Allowed club in regard to writing and directing.

Though is it simply not possible for me  (and many others) to be a true Doctor Who fan considering it began airing before I was born, and many episodes of the early era are missing? I'm just faking being a fan if I haven't watched hundreds of episodes, right? /sarcasm

cons, fandom

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