Apr 07, 2004 17:55

So, I was confused because I had to turn in my application to UW by Feb 15 and they said it takes about six weeks to process the applications, so I've been edgy since April 1. However, when I checked my UW email, I just discovered today that if I click this little "student" tab, I can check the status of my application! It is pending. AAAAH! apparently I've received an initial review and they'll tell me for sure between April and June. So I waited 6 weeks to be able to start waiting. The very very excellent news, however is that they are even considering my application. When I graduated (the first time) I had a 2.45 gpa, and you need a 2.5 to be guaranteed consideration to be let back in. Apparently these are wonderful people who round up.

For class I had to visit this website: http://depts.washington.edu/enables
if you are interested in Alternative and Augmentative Communication, it has lots of examples of people using various communication aids (cool to me)

If your brain misses esoteric vocabulary and you either know a lot about Judaic culture or don't mind missing a couple levels (like me), the Autograph Man is a very enjoyable little trip. by Zadie Smith
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