(no subject)

Apr 24, 2011 21:04

what a dream, two nights in a row.

I was dreaming I'm reconciling my life. In Quickbooks. Enterprise edition.
Just like reconciling a bank statement. In place of a bank statement - real life events. In place of Quickbooks entries - my real life events in the past, plus all dreams and hopes of the past. That did or did not become real life events. Exactly like Quickbook entries - some issued cheques were never cashed, some invoices - voided..
And I'm putting checkmarks near those entries, matching plans and dreams with reality. And if I'm clicking on a line in Quickbooks - a video clip of that event is played. Like a Journal Entry.
And it's so vivid and bright.. Perfect mental organizing in my sleep. And exactly a real-life feeling of relief when everything balances, all wrong entries corrected/adjusted, print outs are made, file is backed up, moving on to the next  month.

And second night was a prequel.. Me actually doing all those Quickbook Life entries in the first place. No emotions, just methodically putting it in.

And it feels great. Filed, reconciled, backed up, made mental notes what to watch out for.

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