Now the real Edmonton post...

Apr 10, 2008 22:46

Things are coming together finally--didn't want to post till I had some answers. I just received word in quick succession on two things: one-that our house is officially sold, and two-that our offer on the Edmonton house was accepted-our date of possession is April 30th!! Here is the mls link to the house-not too many details at all there. So to fill you in a bit, it is a brand new house (thus it is on the outskirts of Edmonton), big, mostly finished (still some random wires sticking out of walls, no fence or grass, brickwork out front not done yet). It has dark hardwood floors in living/dining room, granite countertops, kind of a dark café au lait cabinetry, tile backsplash and floor in the kitchen (will be getting stainless steel appliances before we move in). Upstairs has the usual 2 bedrooms with a master bedroom and ensuite bathroom and walk-in-closet, plus a large bonus room over the garage that we’re hoping will be our main tv room. Um… what more can I say? The basement will remain unfinished for the near future, but it is well set up for development with steel studs, silent floor joists, high ceilings. I’m only attaching three pictures because I was tired after an extremely long day looking at house after house and I had to rest-our real estate agent took a ton of pictures which he had put onto a disk for us, but I left it in Edmonton with R.

picture 1
picture 2
picture 3

One of the not-so-positive (understatement of the year) things that developed while we were out there is that my husband ended up in emergency the night I was to drive back to Winnipeg. He started having trouble breathing, but like usual he brushed it aside as not as important as finding a house. It finally got so bad he couldn’t lie down to sleep and there was a funny crackling sound coming from his lungs. Emergency at the Gray Nuns Hospital it was, and the doctor on call there confirmed that he had a recently developing case of bronchial pneumonia.

That’s not the worst of it though-while taking his vitals they discovered that his blood pressure was through the roof. That rapidly became more pressing than the pneumonia. He was given immediate stuff to lower his bp, all the needles and wires and electrodes either sticking out of him or on him were quite scary-I was terrified but doing my best to stay calm. The final outcome is that he has to get this high bp under control or risk either a heart attack or stroke. His heart is already enlarged due to going too long without taking care of himself, classic Type A+ personality, burning the candle at both ends, insomnia and neglecting to see a doctor for years. Our current circumstances certainly have not been stressless either-jumping from one job to another immediately, new city, selling our house, buying a house, worrying about my ability to drive out to Edmonton, the fact that our car got hit while it was parked outside our friend's street… Too many stresses-looking back we’re not surprised this happened.

But the good news is that it is controllable, reversible and a major wake-up call for both of us. So what it boils down to is: absolutely no salt, no caffeine, no work for at least a week (he just started his new job), no decongestants for his sinus migranes, must lose weight, and he has to get a doctor for weekly checkups. He’s on a bunch of meds now, and has to monitor his blood pressure regularly. So yeah…that’s where we’re at. Not great by a long shot, but it could be worse…

Now comes the last grind to get moved by the end of April-so many things to do. Get the girls registered in a school, transfer records, finalize taxes, lawyers and signing, filling out change-of-address forms, booking movers, and oh yeah, PACKING! Any of you guys feel like dropping in to give me a hand? *grin* But really the scope of what we’re doing, and how huge the physical mass of 10 years of accumulated crap is, is becoming a little overwhelming. I just have to keep doing a little bit every day. We’ll get there!
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