[Do you see something wrong about this? If so, then I apologize for it m(__)m If not, then it's better off that way? =D; ]
Hello~ I'm ni_no_niji. I'm technically a second account for an Arashi fangirl that is just way too shy to share things on that account!
I've been working on stuff like icons and fanfiction, so I'm hoping that now that I have this "anonymous" account, I'll go ahead and share just how bad they are! XD;
I usually make icons off of videos because the boys' faces are just amazing, so the quality of icons may be crappy because of either video quality or I still don't know what I'm doing....
Same goes for fanfictions: most of my ideas come from videos or from IRL, so hopefully it won't seem like I'm taking other people's ideas (I do read a lot of fanfiction, by the way, so maybe somewhere in the future there will be a similar writing style? Sorry if there is, I really am.)
I've never actually done anything like this before, so any type of criticism will be loved (even if it's to randomly tell me that my journal layout sucks too!)
So, from now on, if you see anything from me, feel free to comment or not, anything will be loved~
Oh! Also, if you magically ever want my icons, then go for it, but please give some kind of credit? You don't have to do the whole stuff (I have a horrible time with those) but at least saying "some person with a really pink background made this icon: ni_no_niji, I think it was" is perfect~
Okay, now I'm off to go be productive~
With Love