surveys galore...

Sep 23, 2004 16:14

Apparently, I have no LJ twin. Enter my name, you get nothing.

Current Taste: Orbit winterfresh
Current Hair: long, layers
Current Clothes: jeans, fly away with me goose tshirt
Current Annoyance: biochem
Current Thing I Ought To Be Doing: studying biochem or sleeping
Current Windows Open: Safari, biochem notes, UTSW groupwise
Current Desktop Picture: pink and orange swirly thing...looks like the smog-sunset
Current Favorite Band: does john mayer count as a band?
Current Book: biochem syllabus
Current CDs in Stereo: on my playlist..Dido, JM, JM, Joss Stone, Tim Mcgraw
Current Crush: my boyfriend, of course :)

=The last time=
Last book you read: Bill Clintons long, detailed, life
Last movie you saw: cold mountain
Last thing you had to drink: water with lemon
Last time you showered: last night
Last thing you ate: cajun pasta from cheescake factory
Last person you talked to on the phone: despitefate

=Do You=
Smoke? no
Do drugs? no
Have a dream that keeps coming back? not anymore
Play an instrument? not really, but dabbled in guitar, played piano as a kid

Believe there is life on other planets? why not
Remember your first love? yes
Still love him/her? no

Read the newspaper? when i have time
Have any gay or lesbian friends? yes
Believe in miracles? sure
Consider yourself tolerant of others? about most things (haha, except fatness)
Consider love a mistake? sometimes, but worth making from time to time
Like the taste of alcohol? no, not really
Have a favorite candy? currently, menthos pink grapefruit from asia. but i guess that needs to change soon, since they dont sell it here
Believe in astrology? dunno, but i like to read it
Believe in magic? eh..
Believe in god? depends on how you define that, but i do believe that there is some force greater than ourselves...fate, god, nature, whatever. but not in a chuchy kind of way.

Have any pets: Angle (deja vu...did i already do this quiz?)
Do well in school? not recently :)
Go to or plan to go to college: this question makes me feel like I'm too old to be filling this out. Rice 04.
Wear hats? only in winter
Have any piercings? ears
Have any tattoos? one...they ARE addicting!. If i had more real estate on my body, I'd get another.
Hate yourself? sometimes
Have a secret crush? not really
Do they know yet? i thought it was a secret..
Collect anything? junk

Have a best friend: yes
Wish on stars? whenever i can see them
Like your handwriting? about half the time
Care about looks? sure

=Love life=
First crush: don't remember really. fourth grade?
First kiss: JT
French Kiss: JT
Single or attached? attached in a long-leash kind of way
Ever been in love? yes
Do you believe in love at first sight? i believe you can START falling in love at fist hang-out...does that count?
Do you believe in "the one?" yea, ideally

=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? no
Have you ever been intoxicated? ...really drunk? no.
Are you a tease? yes when i'm not really interested. but if i am, then no.
Shy to make the first move? yea, depends.

=Are you a=
Wuss: nah :)
Druggy: no
Daydreamer: yes
Freak: dont think so..
Dork: haha...yeah
Bitch/Asshole: no
Brat: sometimes
Sarcastic: not very often
Goody-goody: at times
Angel: i wouldn't go that far
Devil: no
Shy: only at first
Talkative: sometimes
Adventurous: i wouldn't use this to descibe myself, but i dont want to say i'm unadventurous. would that make me boring?
Joker: only with friends; even then, i'm usually on the receiving end
Flirt: um..when i'm single

=Word association=
Rubber gloves: anatomy lab
Rock: paper scissors
Green: money
Wet: rain
Cry: tears
Peanut: butter
Hay: horses
Cold: jacket
Steamy: facial
Fast: car
Freaky: deeky
Rain: wet
Bite: food
Blow: job (dammit, avm7878! shouldn't have read yours first)
Hard: ball
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