**sigh** im havin a really hard time with life right now..but ill get to that..ok..well first..last week was all cheerleading try-outs..and it was really tiring..but i made the JV squad..whoo hoo for me..congratulations to everyone else..saturday..resol and barrett came over..we hung out and went to the mall and yea..lol it was pretty boring but whatever..i got some pics that ill post..uhm..sunday was boring..didnt do nething..today was depressing..these people in dance dont noe how to work a camera..so we cant film our dance..and everyone else has..so erghh..ive been thinkin about bryan a lot lately for some reason *orlando*..seems like hes the only one that cared..and its juss sad..i wish i could be with him..if only he lived here.. im having really bad guy issues..this one geek was hittin on me last week..he was like so what are u doin this weekend..and im like i dont know..hes like well maybe we can do something..im like well i dont noe what i do usually till the day before..it didnt really make sence haha but i dont care..and then steven upset me a lot..cause he had to tell me that he likes someone else..we werent goin out or nething..but like i dont know..it kinda upset me..i dont know why..then i was startin to like this other guy again..but..he only thinks of me as a sister..so whatever..screw everything..i really dont give a damn nemore..my grandma is getting sicker everyday..and i found out somethin bad about my friend..i cried all on the bus today..and nick was wondering what happened cause he asked the little mexican that sings to me..its good as hell that he didnt ask me what was wrong..cause i woulda said..why do u care..u hate me juss like steven and everyone else..so screw it..ergh..im so fuckin pissed..i hate stress..i hate bein upset..im so tired of being here..i sware to god..
ewwwwww...7th grade!!! damn have we all changed OR WHAT!?!?!..lol..*left to right* kristina..gina..me..brittani....yea definantly we have all changed...god for the god damn better too..LoL
me and brittani..this was a while ago..its when i was still pale as fuck!!!
:-(...kyle and me..i miss him sooo much it is like soo hard to even believe..i wish he would come back..HOPEFULLY over the summer he'll come down and visit..i sware..everytime i start likin someone..they move..or do something..i miss u kyle..and i hope ur reading this too..**damn we were cute together..and everyone else thought so too..i miss those lunch days :-(**
me one day after school last week..doesnt it look like my hips are getting wider..:-(..i actually wore my pickleman/monkeyballs shirt to school..lol..and everyone liked it..specially AJ..speakin of AJ..lol hes hott too..and hes italian..hmmmmm?...
uhmm..pleaseee dont hold this pic against me..pleaseee..i look like shit cause i had juss woken up..so i dont have makeup on or jewlery or nothing..but yea..see that bruise on my hip?..the thing thats circled?..thats what cheerleading does to you!!!
a lot better picture..if it wouldnt be so god damn blury!!!..but yea..this is resol and i on saturday..im getting fatter!!!..ahhhhh..resol ur soo pretty!!!
resol's a CHEERLEADER!!!..o0o what now??
resol..me..and barrett..what a FUN day...b-a-n-a-n-a-s..LoL
That's it..i wish to be loved..if only wishes came true..imma name that my journal..**i wish upon a star..but the wishes dont come true**..bye u guys..XoXo