holy mother fuckin shit..today was like one of the best days ive had in like FOREVER..for like no reason either..but it was soo much fun..i did not get upset at all...well once..cause my poor old friend got arrested today for having the possesion of weed..aww..im gunna miss u while ur out..and not talking to u..i love you!!..lol but im still gunna make fun of you when you come back to school..and dont worry imma find out who ratted you out..dumbasses!!..LoL..anyways..i was happy from start to now today..it was..i dont even know how to explain it..but i had this like permanent smile on my face all frickin day..it was sooooo fuckin great..and i loved cussing today like everything i said was fuck this and fuck that..but in a good way LoL..and my ass still hurts from that mother fuckin shot..so i was hobbling around school and everyone was laughing at me cause they said it looked like i juss got done getting fucked up the ass..haha..lol..lunch could have been better cause *someone* was supposed to *talk* to me..but he didnt..LoL..so whatever..screw that..omfg i want to noe why im so happie..im like bouncey..o0o haha today in 3rd block we had to *present our presentations* haha thats spiffy huh?..well haha i was doin mine..and like i was like..id like to work here in naples, where i could be close to my friends and family, or id like to work in a big city..cause well big cities are fun..haha..everyone started laughing..teacher didnt like it but fuck him up the ass with a pickle..LoL..i was juss sayin stuff that came to the top of my head all fuckin day and it was g-r-e-a-t..i juss loved it soo unbelievably much..aww..and im not sick nemore..aww..LoL..i dont noe what to say..LoL..i think thats about it..theres some weird ass noise coming out of my room right now..i dont noe what it is..im scared..someone come save me!!..LoL..its either my tv about to blow up..my kitty snoring..or..the boogeyman..AHH..LoL..newaiis im gunna go..i love u all so unbelieveably soo fuckin much!!..heres some pics..haha EnjOy!!..
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v307/xXpicklemanxX/phonee.jpg me talking to my poor poor resol on the telefone right before she gets it shut off tomorrow cause of what she did..aww :-(..haha i kinda look sad dont i..well i was..LoL..dont make fun of my bed..its leopard..leopards rock..and u can one of my little puppies that my marc got me for christmas/v-day last year from victorias secret...aww they're so cute..LoL..then theres me and jess from over the summer..we git a new pic dont every summer..haha and my cell phone..lOvElY!!..o0o yea and i talked on the phone a lot today too..almost to everyone..LoL..i guess when im happie i talk to a lot more people..LoL..thats good too..yay!!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v307/xXpicklemanxX/aww.jpg this is an alrite pic..i mean..usually i look pissed off when i do that kind of face thing..but like..i even look happie doing that...aww..!!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v307/xXpicklemanxX/five.jpg people liked this one too..damn im so fuckin pale..cant wait till spring break..u can find me at the beach every single day getting a niiiice tan..i miss my poor tan..LoL..ill have it back soon enough..o0o yea..i look happie in this one too!!..LoL