holy shit..this weekend was like so0o much frickin fun!!! last week was ok..people were really pissing me off..but i was still happier than normal..but now im even more happier cause this weekend was great..brittani came over yesterdaii and we juss like hung out..then we went over to the lot across the street..cause they juss cleared it..and we went pretty far back..but then it was starting to git dark so we turned around..and we couldnt find our way back!!..we thought we followed the same path but we were screwed lol..so we were lost for like 15 minutes..and the peoples dog was laughing at us!! LoL brittani..it was hilarious..then we ate dinner and danced to cotton eye joe..LoL..and then we juss hung out until my mom went to bed..then from like 11-1 last night we took pics..it was frickin HILARIOUS!!..ill post them at the bottom..we were laughin sooo fuckin hard..it was unbelievable..my mouth hurt by the end of the night from smiling and laughing so much LoL..then we came back to the comp and i was talkin to the one and only "him"..lol he was gittin drunk and it was funny to play around with him..then at like 230 i couldnt stay up nemore..so we went to bed..then this morning we got up around 11 and ate breakfast and then went back in my room and listened to music till like 2..then we talked to people online..then at 330 she got picked up..and now here i am..i have ALOT to do tonite its carazie..i need to start now.."he" is gunna come over soon :-D its been a while since we hung out..so that should be FUNN..newaiis..yea im gunna go..LoL..im so fuckin happie its g-r-e-a-t..but i think i need to go to bed cause it feels like its midnight..im really tired..LoL..LOVE YOU GUYS BUT SOME MORE THAN OTHERS!! "oh how i love to be a turtle"
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v339/resol154222/britandme1.jpg brit and me
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v339/resol154222/britandme2.jpg brit and me BADASSES!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v307/xXpicklemanxX/meandbritgotlaid.jpg brit and me..*laid*