Feb 26, 2005 23:42
i hate how we live in such a superficial society that awards are given to those who don't deserve them, and are solely based on the outward appearance of the individual. merit doesn't matter, presentation doesn't matter... get your hair done and buy the most expensive clothes and you will succeed in life. That is what my competition taught me today. I wish I went to a 30,000 a yr HIGH school, and pranced around with a stick in my ass just so I would have the guarantee of winning every mock trial competition.
I love how society can surprise me more and more each day with behavior that validates that people are so superficial that you could buy your way into a win.
Also, I am surprised at the logic found in the rules of this competition. If the FINAL competition does not in fact qualify the winner, then.. what is the point of a final round? Simple as that, if doesn't count... don't have it. Don't insinuate fairness or intelligence by wasting people's time with a final round.
Everyday you learn something new about how little people think even though they claim to be educated.
On another note, I wish that people would just get along and then every one would be happy. No one can do that though, that would take too much free will to be considerate right?
No... not at all actually.
Final Thought For The Day = We live in a world were consideration and caring for others is non-existent, and people rather be superficial before objectively approaching a situation.
Thumbs Up for Mankind