Sep 13, 2010 21:19
I'm going to take a shower and get some sleep because I have had a very. Long. Day.
However, first, something that amuses me: MS Word, while it is very quick to tell me that "Says you" is a sentence fragment and that I cannot/should not start a sentence with "because" even though it is a quote, does not flag these words as being misspelled/not even words:
And yet it will let me do dumbass things like use the wrong "too" or "except" rather than "accept" to my heart's content.
AU has topped 21,500 words. But my muse has called for a bit of a truce. "Go play with some brightly colored plot bunnies that live in the sunshine!" It said. "Why you gotta be all 'depths of hell' and 'so-and-so had to die' all the time?" So I think... something short and fluffy is going to be written this week, something with laughter and gigglies and not a HINT of "PS, you're going to die in 20 years, K THX BYE." Something fun and PG. Otherwise I suspect my muse will mutiny and this AU that I keep blabbering about will never get finished, which would be a goddman shame.