I didn't get to update lately, because I was tired after going to work, clean up my bedroom, and getting ready for my last year in high school ^o^ (and not as an excuse!!!)
When the school year start, everyone think that they will get their class and who is going to be in the same class. And that is normal... This also happened last year, no one know their class, but finally knew about it after a week...
But the one thing I was really glad about is I don't need to have German-lesson anymore \(^o^)/ but still don't like some teacher at school T_T
And now I already begin to save the money for Christmas-present, together with my little brother (who looks like to be my boyfriend, big brother or cousine from other peoples view who don't know about him...)
And this year, as a senior in high school and graduating in June 2012, I'm going to be "russ" (not a shortend word for Russian xP ). That's what they call who are graduating over here in Norway, and they wear different from any country ;P
As I say stop for now, because I'm in the middle of class =P . Instead of follow what the teacher says, I'm blogging and there are a few other people who sit and watch on their laptop.
And last, Happy 28th Birthday Matsumoto Jun from Arashi =D (today)
Plus Takutsuba's new single will be release tommorow =)
And then till next time (where I think I should begin to work on my fan project - fansub...)
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