I Just Wanna Say I Love You

Oct 11, 2008 03:02

So...guys...have you ever listened to a song with just one sentence as its lyrics???


Well then, try to listen to this will ya? It's a preety catchy song by an Indonesian band, "Potret", or in English it has the same meaning with potrait or picture(s). This is their latest single for a movie soundtrack and the song is preety cute with its repepetitive only-a-sentence lyric but addictive.

All you have to do is just a click away

If you did listen to the song, please leave comments, critics, or just thanks, cuz I love to read them. Or if you wanna find out about them...well, GOOGLE was invented for this kind of stuff, ROFL.

music: single songs, !review, music: upload, music: indonesian

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