The Gas Leak - Part 1 - Brittany/Santana

Jun 23, 2011 23:08

Title: The Gas Leak
Pairing: Santana/Brittany & Others Later On
Rating: NC17
Spoilers: Takes place in what I hope Season 3 to be.
Disclaimer: I don't own this.

The Gas Leak

Based on a prompt from the Glee Kink Meme (http://glee-kink-meme . livejournal . com/8721 . html?thread=14264849#t14264849)
“Brittany and Santana have one of their famous rendezvouses in the Boiler Room at school. They go at it kind of rough and accidentally cause some type of Gas Leak. Now this gas leak doesn't kill you or make you pass out ... it makes you horny. So in various other parts of the school, multiple other pairs begin to participate in the school wide sex romp.”
Features Brittana and 7 other rair couples/groups.

Chapter 1 - Boiler Room Rendezvous - Brittany/Santana

On a Friday at William McKinley High School, the New Directions Glee Club was sitting in their choir room being lectured by their teacher, Will Schuester, on plans for upcoming Sectionals. At least that’s what Santana Lopez assumed he was talking about. She wasn’t really paying attention. He could be talking about the migration habits of various water foul for all she cared, all that mattered to her was her girlfriend’s hand on her thigh.

It was a simple gesture of endearment, it was not meant to be distracting her in this way, probably. It’s just that it was the end of a long day and the Glee club was pretty on edge being stressed with Sectionals. Santana wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with the beautiful blonde girl beside her. Just the though of all the wonderful things her and Brittany could be doing later sent vibrations through her body.

No … her thoughts weren’t causing those vibrations; it was the cellphone nestled in her bosom. She grabbed her phone and noticed a new text … from Brittany. Santana looked over and noticed that the hand of Brittany’s that was not touching her thigh was clutching her phone. Santana wondered why was Brittany texting her from two feet away. She opened the message.

Im touching u…

Santana giggled. She looked at Brittany, but her girlfriend remained stoic and did not meet Santana’s gaze. So Santana texted her back:

Duh. i kno. :) im the 1 u r touching.

A few seconds passed, then Santana received a reply.

I wish I was touching u in ‘wetter’ places ;)

What do u have in mind?

Boiler Room. 3:00. Don’t. Be. Late. xo

The bell rang signaling the end of the period. Will Schuester spoke up one last time, “Alright guys thats it for this week. I want you all to brainstorm song ideas over the weekend. Remember at least one song has to be an unlikely collaboration song.” The kids rose from their chairs and began filing out of the choir room. Before Santana could get in a word with Brittany, she ran over the to door merely turning around to wink at Santana before departing.


Later that day, Santana looked down at her watch and broke into a sprint when she noticed the time was 2:59. She had to traverse almost the entire length of the school to get to Brittany on time. “Shit! I’m going to be late! Why today of all days?!”

At 3:05 she finally reached to Boiler Room. Students weren’t really supposed to go in to Boiler Room, but unofficially it had earned a reputation as makeout spot number one. Ignoring the “Do Not Enter” signs, Santana pushed open the door and went inside.

The room inside was noisy and steamy. Sure she and Brittany had been in here together before, but that was a long time ago, and Santana never took the time to really get a feel for the place. The dimly lit room was full of rusted pipes and valves, and there was the sound of persistent dripping from the shadows. Just then, another sound came out of the shadows.

“You’re late.” It was Brittany. Santana could barely make out her outline through the darkness, but she would know that voice anywhere.

“I so, so sorry Britt. You see, I didn’t intend on being late. Remember how Kurt is out sick with the flu? Well he asked me to pick up his AP English homework and I forget until like the last minute and then …”

“Stop talking,” interrupted Brittany. “You’re late. You want to know what happens when you don’t arrive on time?”

“But it was just five minutes. We have plenty of time for Sweet Lady Kisses, Britt-Britt.”

“I said stop talking!” Santana was surprised by Brittany’s forcefulness, but also incredibly turned on. “When Santana doesn’t show up on time, Brittany gets to be in control.”

Santana sighed. She brought this upon herself. She absolutely loved it when they started having sex with feelings, but when they ignored all that and just ravaged each other it was fun in its own ways. Santana wondered what had put Brittany in this mood. They only did Dom/Sub on special occasions like Birthdays and Holidays…

Brittany inched out the darkness toward Santana and slowly began to speak, “I got so wet thinking all afternoon about meeting you here for Sweet Lady Kisses. When I got here I could have start without you and begun to play with myself. But I thought that doing that wouldn’t be fair to my loving girlfriend so I played with these knobs and valves instead.”

“Britt that’s dangerous!”

“You’re talking again.” Brittan said while wagging her finger, Santana learning her lesson merely nodded in agreement. Brittany then stood right in front of Santana, their bodies touching ever so slightly. “In those five minutes you made me wait I just kept getting angrier and hornier.”

Santana whimpered because they were so close together now, she could feel Brittany’s hot breath against her skin. “Are you sorry?” Santana nodded. “Show me how sorry you are by kissing me.”

Santana didn’t have to be commanded anymore. She forced her lips up to meet Brittany’s in a heated kiss. Their kisses were fast and heated. After a while Santana had to break the kiss in order to catch her breath.

Brittany wouldn’t relent however, she pushed Santana up against the door and ripped open the lady-blazer she was wearing. Then while attacking Santana’s neck, she lowered the straps of Santana’s dress and yanked it down her body. Santana’s bra was next to go as Brittany began to kiss, lick, and suck at various spots on Santana’s ample breasts.

“I absolutely love your tits, Santana, and they are all mine!” Brittany left her marks on Santana’s breasts to make sure that her last statement would not be challenged. Then with her tongue she tickled the tips of Santana’s hardened nipples. Santana moaned in approval.

All of a sudden, this position was not satisfying Brittany any longer. Brittany then grabbed Santana’s thighs and lifted her into the air. Santana moaned and wrapped her legs around Brittany’s back. Brittany then moved them from their position against the door, pushing Santana against some of the exposed piping. Brittany’s lips returned to Santana’s neck while her hands fondled Santana’s breasts. Brittany then grasped at the waistband of Santana’s panties and shoved them down the girl’s legs.

They moved once again. Brittany placed Santana down on one of pipes that was low enough for her to sit on. Her eyes then met Santana’s and she spoke up. “If I remember correctly, in edition to your lateness, you spoke out of turn three times.” Brittany then held up three of her fingers for Santana to look at. Santana watched as Brittany lowered that hand and those three fingers to between her legs. Brittany then took those three fingers and jammed them up into Santana. She gasped in surprise and winced at the fullness of the sensation ever thankful Brittany’s earlier kisses had made her wet enough for it not to hurt as badly as it could have.

As Brittany began moving her fingers in and out of Santana, the water heater next to the couple began to rumble and hiss. The pipes Santana were sitting and leaning on began to heat up and to burn the naked skin of her ass and back. Santana cried out, “Britt baby its burning me, I have to move.”

“I’ll only move you if you cum for me.”

Santana let out an exasperated moan and attempted to reposition herself on the scalding pipe to use the heat to her advantage. Brittany was not overtly cruel and helped Santana further along by pinching Santana’s clit with her other hand. The heat was building in the room in more ways than one and the combination of the heat and the sensations Brittany was causing her led to Santana feeling quite lightheaded.

Eventually, Santana’s orgasm came crashing upon her as a cooling wave of pleasure. Seeing Santana come undone made Brittany feel overwhelmingly accomplished. She took a step back and let Santana slide of the pipe. Santana’s orgasm had worn her out so much that she dropped to her hands and knees. She gasped for a breath that seem ever more difficult to catch. “B, what the fuck is going on? I can’t breathe.”

“Worry about that later,” she Brittany as she removed her own panties from beneath her skirt. “While your down there you can do me a favor.” Santana was completely worn out, but smiled at the sight of Brittany’s panties hitting the floor before her. Santana crawled as Brittany led them over to a place near the far wall. Brittany then hiked up her skirt and directed Santana towards her dripping center.

Even though she was exhausted, Santana knew what she had to do. She lunged forward with her tongue and began to lap up all Brittany had to offer. They were beyond the point of teasing are foreplay. Something was happening to them that they could not explain; urging them on and giving them overt feelings of pleasure. Santana drove her tongue into Brittany as far as it would go, and this made Brittany go wild.

Brittany love being in control. She loved the sight of Santana naked on her knees pleasing her. She was feeling so good she couldn’t control herself. She thrust her hips up to match the rhythm of Santana’s tongue. She needed to find leverage so reached out with her hands to grab hold of anything she could. She found a rather large valve and she unknowingly began turning it to a point that the heater could not handle.

“Santana keep going. I’m so close!” She shouted over the increased noise of the pipes and steam. The water heater was reaching a point of critical mass … and so was Brittany. With one final motion Santana licked the length of Brittany’s folds and then gently bared down on the girl’s clit with her teeth.

Brittany exploded in pleasure and in some epic twist of fate, the heater beside the girls blew off an insane amount of steam and chemicals. The pipes connected to it shook themselves from the moldings and crashed onto the floor. Even though the girls were tired out from their orgasms, they still could see that they were in a dangerous situation. They rushed to gather up their clothes and they ran for the door.

Coming out to a deserted hallway, Santana put her dress back on, turned to Brittany, and said, “That was intense. It felt weird like I was high or something.”

“Getting high on me, huh? I felt awesome being in control. I should punish you more often,” replied a giggly Brittany.

“No Brittany, I mean I felt literally high. I think we were getting loopy off the gas in there.”

The domineering mistress of sex was gone completely leaving a very scared blonde teenager behind. “We’re not gonna die are we? I’m sorry … I was just bored and horny and your tongue was so awesome and I don’t know what a boiler room actually does and …”

“Calmed down Brittany. It’s probably nothing the janitors can’t fixed.”

Just then a loud bang came from the other side of the door that shook the entire building. Brittany turned to Santana who now sported a worried expression herself. “What have we done?”

To be continued.

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