I hope everyone (stateside) had a good Memorial Day weekend. I had to work Saturday and Sunday, but today I had the day off and have been with my parents most of the day. I also have been behind the server tweaking things here and there. Some stuff was down for a bit, so if you were trying to access something or you have something hosted by me, it was not there for a moment or two.
Most of it is because of my name change to Mindswirl.com. I plan to upload a new splash page later tonight and use it for my portfolio. If I do host a site of yours and you have it links a few places, you may need to change the link if you don't have a proper domain pointing to the server. See
here for more details and all the good stuff.
Roasted corn has got to be my favorite food of the summer. It's just so damn good! I don't remember the last time I had it, but I can be easily swayed now with the temptation of this delicacy.
Speaking of Roasted Corn:
Happy belated Birthday