I have been looking for new things that may be in my area as far as work. I applied for Best Buy (not sure why) and I also applied for a new position at my job that opened up for customer service operations. Basically, I would ALWAYS be the person you get on the phone during the day. I really hope that I get that position because it means I would follow under one of the cooler managers and not have to do as much work. All the better.
Maha has found out that the laptop I use blows LOTS of hot air out on the side and now has made the left side of my desk her personal territory. I don't mind one bit seeing as how she watches what I am watching on the screen and just chills. I was watching some commericials over on apple
here and find them to be great. I truly love the things you can do on a Mac that PCs get left behind in, and best of all the new Intel Macs can do ANYTHING a PC can do and better.
Here's hoping that I get that new position and keep my job at Microcenter so that I don't have to deal with people like
you on the floor.