left_i_of_odin is visiting this weekend from the exotic lands of Arkansas and so yesterday I did the cool thing and hung out with him and three crazy chicks. This would best explain the last phone post if you actually listened to it. It did not turn out as planned and now I owe
ixnayonthetimma an e-cookie.
Went to the new mall and I bought something to help me sleep during the day. I find that power naps in the day keep me going for an awful long time and so I can spend my nights working on ... well doing nothing, but they are helpful. I'm iPodless now, so no iTunes for me. I sold
left_i_of_odin my iPod and now eagerly await a new one that I will toy around a bit with some of my photos now and maybe video too. I think I will use my Mac for my iTunes video... I saw a software download the helps with ripping DVDs and bringing the video down to a codec the new iPod can handle. Much fun is to be had.
Saw Doom. I will be honest, this is one you could Netflix, or Blockbuster if you are
uberwin or
roytheboy, because the story was lacking and it would probably only interest you if you are a Doom fanatic, like stuff blowing up/shot, or the small blip of first person cinema that was the main reason you came to see the movie.
I have another group of friends speaking about getting their own pad and they have invited me to be one to move in as well. I've known these guys for well over 6 years now and this would be four guys under one roof. They have their sights on June of moving in and this invite is very tempting as well. I guess its something to sleep on. If I were to move out, I would need to step up to a full-time worker so that all expenses would be covered. I'm not afraid of doing this, but I think I will harder in November and December to train myself and also see if I can get more of a good paying deskjob too. I know if I set my mind to it I could get a web design job in this area. I would like to think I know what I'm doing.
I have an event in Ft. Worth tomorrow for Intel. It seems HP and Creative will also be there so maybe they will have goodies for me to bring home or some gadgets for me to play with. For the record, even though Ft. Worth seems to be right next to Dallas on the map, it's a pain in the ass to get to it anyway. About an hour to drive there so after work I will come home, get in better clothing, fill up the gas tank and have at it. You might expect a phone call from me saying how lost I am... for those that have driven with me or told me to meet them somewhere, you all know how easily I lose my sense of direction. Despair if I get lost in Dallas/Ft. Worth.
That's about it. I have been hooking my Dad on Chrono Crusade. ^^ He seems to like it a lot. We also watch the Cartoon Network version of Naruto just to make fun of it. We both hate it the dubbing and tune it just to make fun of the storyline and how many times Naruto will say "Believe It!" in an episode. We are both amused.