So, today was pretty cool~

Oct 05, 2010 01:50

Highlight of my day: I bought a comic. <3
Runaways. I just feel like getting all the comics I can get my hands on, and just stock up. Then I can spend the whole day on my comfy couch reading the day awayyyyy. (: Life sounds good.

Today was spent with Rachael and Keann, which was pretty much awesome. (: We brought Rachael to play l4d2 for her first time. 
Heh today was really sweet, but also made me feel like I'm gonna be #foreveralone. Srz bznz. :'(
But it's okay.

I love you guys. And I'm glad you two love me too. (:


Do you not love me anymoreeee. Am I not important and have you chosen to cut me out of your life as just one of the insignificant ones? ):


(Qiuballz, love goes out to you from me. :) Take care of yourself, buddy.)


Why do people keep telling me different things?! It frustrates me, gives me hope, entertains me, brings me to reality, deflates unintentionally. I think I'm the one mainly raining on my parade, but people, you all are just Too optimistic. Or- whatever the word. Sigh incoherence. 
False hope and and excitement, here I come.


Sigh sorry. I haven't done this cryptic/mysterious nonsense of addressing 'you' 's and not being direct. Forgive me. I'm feeling whimsical. What a word. 

my friends are awesome

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