Ode to a Teacup

May 26, 2004 22:14

I called Spyde earlier today to tell him when I would be landing in Pittsburgh on the 2nd, Left a message, since he was at work. Like the sweet man he is, he called me back to say that it was gonna work out. Then he told me that when he got home, Teacup was dead. *sigh* it was unexpected, to say the least. He said that when he came home, she was not squeaking as he came up the steps. Teacup came into our lives just over 2 years ago, full grown.
Now, some people would say, it's just a guinea pig, for gosh'sake
If you are one of those people, You don't want to read this:

Dear Teacup,
You were not ours, not when you moved into the house. All your life, people would leave and leave you with someone else. You were left with a roommate, who left you with us, when he left. But all the same, we tried to make your life good.
You were not raised to know love, and human kindness as a young animal, but we heaped it on you in your final years. Even though you tried to bite when I tried to pet you, We loved you. Even though we coudn't play with you as much as you needed, we knew you loved us. When I walk up the steps into the house, and I don't hear your attention seeking "weet weet weet" I will be sad. When you look down and see the tears Spyder and I shed for you not being here, I know you will be sad, dear little creature.
We loved you,
You will always be with us, in our hearts.
Don't be sad, little darling, go rejoin the herd we could never give you, and eat your fill of the sweet alfalfa of the afterworld.
Rest in Peace dear little Teacup.

to break that sadness,
a meme

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