For those of you who don't know and I haven't told, my little sister is getting Married this Saturday. I'm an usher along with my brother. I'll be leaving tomorrow to head down to Kentucky to meet up with family, prepare for the wedding, and hopefully to just relax a little. I'll be heading back home sometime Monday, though I have a trip to Lexington planned before that, more on that later.
One thing I'm not looking forward to is the lack of a free bar, or any bar for that matter, at the reception. It's being held at the local church, so yeah... I'm planning on bringing some choice pieces from my bar down with me for the after party back at my parent's house. However I know I wont be able to get to the full on state I would want to be in after the day s over -->
It's not that I'm not happy for my sister, I'm sure she enjoys being with Cole and all. It's also not that she's doing yet another thing before me, I pretty much knew she'd get married before me. It's just, I really like to drink at weddings. Weddings are happy things, and I'm a happy drunk, the two just go hand in hand in my book. It also helps keep me from thinking things over too much. Grant it, I don't really want to do anything embarrassing with my family around. I'm putting the playthings away for a reason! -->
It's just, you know, by the time Saturday night rolls around I'll have quite a bit of steam I'll need to get rid of. You can only keep a guy like me pent up for so long before it just comes blasting out. ( see ^ )
But oh well. I'll get to see my family and hang out at my parent's house and enjoy some of the things I can't up here. It's been over a year since I was back there. I wanna check out the video game resale shops around the area like McVan's and The Book and Music Exchange for some stuff I can't really find around here. The local comic book shop down there stocks an awesome selection of older manga and Sonic comics. I spent some time today cataloging my comic collection just so I can pick up ones I'm missing if I find them, and I usually do. I'll probably pick up another comic box while I'm at it too.
Currently I'm planning to head over to Lexington Sunday during the day, check in at a local hotel like the Red Roof off of New Circle near the mall. Hang around downtown, walk around campus and see what has changed since I was last in the area, and of course eat at Tolly Ho. Then Monday get up, do some more lounging around town and then head on up to the Bakery that makes Kentucky Silk Pie in hopes of scoring a few to bring back home. Then take a leisurely drive back up I-75. It's been a while since I've traveled I-64 from Louisville to Lexington and the same goes for I-75 from Lexington to Cincinatti, so it'll be a nostalgic trip. Then brave the boss battle of Ohio and return home hopefully before it gets too late in the evening. I'd sure like to get my stuff in the house and have a few hours to rest and wind down before hitting the sack and returning to work. Anyone in the area who wants to meet up sometime while I'm in town let me know and we can plan something.
Now I've got to get back to finishing putting away my laundry, packing my clothes and essentials, cleaning up the garbadge, making CDs for the trip, getting my cans picked up to take back to the store tomorrow, and then get some sleep before work in a little over 4 hours. I guess I'll take a short nap tomorrow after I get a haircut while Ruth is at the dentist. Then it's Kentucky here we come!
Of course, since it'll be difficult to do so this week with the family around I also need to get rid of some of this steam I've got pent up already. So I'll leave you with this -->