Saturday was Kyra’s 1st birthday. Meagan hosted a party for her and her daughter who also turned 1 that week. She did an amazing job. Lots of decorations, snacks, pizza, crafts, and much more. They rented a Care Bear costume for the kids to have pictures with Love-a-lot Bear. I was supposed to be the one who wore it, but the costume was for a giant. I’ll have pictures on Flickr soon (I say that a lot without doing it).
After the kids’ party was the magarita party at Tammy and Keith’s. The four of us and Lisa went through 2 fifths of tequilla, a jug of rum island ice tea, and a good amount of other various alcohols. Rob coincidentally lives in the same complex, so he walked over to visit.
And lets not forget that the Tiger’s took out the Yankees that day, making it an all-around very good day.